Twenty One

411 11 1

This morning you woke up, and on the agenda today was wedding dress shopping! You were looking forward to it, but you were also nervous. What if you didn't like any of the dresses they showed you... What if everyone coming with you didn't like the dresses you did!

You didn't want anything extravagant but you also didn't want a plain and simple dress. You also had to find bridesmaids dresses and a dress for your maid of honour.

Dean wanted to have a 'Red white and Pink' Themed wedding... But you liked the idea of just whites and blues.

You wanted them to wear navy blue dresses because the dress you wore on your first date was navy blue, and it was sort of symbolic of that. After convincing him Dean agreed to have the bridesmaids and groomsmen wear navy blue. The maid of honour gets to wear a different style of dress to distinguish her from the others. 

You left fairly early to meet Ellen, Jo and Y/f/n at the bridal shop. Dean was going to take care of Gabriel while you were gone.

When you got there one of the employees got you settled in a fitting area, and she brought champagne for all of you. She also brought out some snacks. This place was really nice!

You tried on so many dresses, one right after the other. You hated any of the mermaid style, and the trumpet style they brought out. And the ballgown style were all too big and poofy for your liking.

Finally you tried on one that seemed to fit perfectly and looked so good on you. The seamstress lady called it a 'Modified A line dress' It has some lace and a pretty belt going across the middle. It had small sleeves, which was what you wanted in your dress.

You loved every part of it(I'm sorry if you actually hate it, I personally don't really like it but it was one of the more generic dresses I could find:)

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You loved every part of it(I'm sorry if you actually hate it, I personally don't really like it but it was one of the more generic dresses I could find:)

Next was finding bridesmaids dresses for everyone. You knew that navy blue was the theme, and had decided the bridesmaids would wear shorter dresses and the maid of honour would wear a floor length.

Everyone loved their dresses and yours. Y/f/n kept asking to try it on, but you wouldn't let her. I mean it was your dress! You finally found the perfect dresses for your wedding party, Ellen and Jo loved them, and y/f/n really loved hers.

After you purchased them you all left the shop and drove over to Bobby's

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After you purchased them you all left the shop and drove over to Bobby's. Tomorrow was Gabes first birthday, that's what you were going home to prepare for...

~The Next Day~

You and Dean wake up, and head to Gabes room quietly. You know he's awake because you saw on the monitor. When you went in he stopped babbling and stood up.

"Momma! Dadda!" He said while clapping.

Dean walked in holding the big bundle of balloons and smiled widely at your son. You couldn't believe he was already 1! It felt like just yesterday you and Dean were discussing possible names, or finding out that the baby was a boy. Even decorating the nursery felt like it had just happened. You pick him up and get him dressed for his party.

When you guys get there you can't believe all the work y/f/n did last night! There was a huge picture wall with pictures from the beginning of your pregnancy to now.

First was pictures of your belly from the second month ish- to the ninth month. Then beside those were pictures of Gabe you and Dean took every month. He went from being a little tiny baby to a big boy so quickly! Then there were other cute memories like the picture of Deans hands on your belly...


"Dean come here I have an idea." You say to him.

He comes over quickly and you pour some more of the navy blue paint into the pan.

You pull your shirt up to the top of your belly, and tell Dean to put his hands into the paint, then place them on your belly, but NOT to move them...

After a minute of him holding his hands there you pull them off and there are handprints on your belly.

"Sam quick take a picture, this will look adorable on the wall!" You say excitedly. He quickly snaps a picture and you and dean go to wash yourselves off.

End of flashback:)

You smile, you see another of Gabe eating his first solid food. There's one from his first haircut, one from his first trip to Grandpa Bobby's. One from his first steps, and the rest were from the hospital and when he was first born. You began to tear up... Is this how your mom felt when you were a baby? And when Chloe was a baby?

You and Dean had never really talked about adding another baby to the family, you seemed content where you were now. Gabe hasn't expressed any want for a sibling... yet. But after seeing all those little pictures of baby Gabe you cant wait for these next eight months to be up.... You were planning on telling everyone right after everyone ate their cake.... You had a plan...


After everyone ate their cakes(Gabe was practically wearing his...) And Gabe has opened 'all' of the presents you went over the the gift table and 'found' another. You brought it over and Dean helped him unwrap it.

"This ones from Mommy buddy.." Dean says confused. You had given him all the gifts from you two already.

Dean opens up the little rectangular box and inside of it is the positive pregnancy test...

"What's that?" Gabe asks pointing at the little object.

"Actually?!" Dean asks running over to you and engulfing you in a big hug.

"Yeah, I'm about 4 weeks" You say with a smile. Everyone awes and cheers.

"You hear that Gabe you're going to be a big brother..." Dean says picking him up.

"What?" Gabe asks confused.

"Dean he doesn't know what a big brother means!" You say laughing...

When you left you couldn't believe how good this day was, it couldn't get any better!

You guys got even more pictures. Gabes cake smash was the best part. Dean even got some on his face right before Bobby snapped the picture. Gabe got so many presents you and Dean weren't sure you'd have room for them in your little apartment.

Gabe really enjoyed all the animals, and played with all of them. Screeching well doing so. Some of the neighbourhood kids were invited too they all adored the games and the animals as well. And you told Dean you were pregnant...Again...All in all the day was a huge success.

You guys drove home as Gabe was sleeping. Dean turned on Some AC/DC and grabbed your hand. He fiddled with the ring on your finger and smiled. You began to sing along, and he soon joined in. Not too loud to wake the baby though.

He brought your hand to his mouth and began to sing into it like it was a microphone. You giggled.

You two were singing along well Gabe was sleeping in the back peacefully. This reminded you of old times, when it was just you and Dean.... And just like old times when you guys think everything's okay, or going perfectly and nothing can get you down...

But you were wrong.....Again....

All you remember before blacking our was the squeal of tires and the smashing of the passenger windshield. Which was the side you were on......

Better Now: Dean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now