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You hear Dean talking, you wanted to open your eyes, but you didn't want him to realize you were awake yet, so you could hear what he was saying without interrupting.

"Y/n, I'm so glad you didn't die there... You don't know how much I love you and this baby.." He said placing his hand on your stomach. "I was such an asshole for calling you names like that, I was mad at you, for coming back to me... I was pushing you out, when I should've kept you as close to me as possible.... I am such an idiot. When Cas told me you were pregnant, I... I realized how dumb I was being and rushed over. But I wasn't fast enough. If you would have died, I wouldn't have been able..." He cut off..

"You could still die for all I know, you pulled through there though. I knew you would... You're strong enough, was all I kept thinking. If you pull through we're going to buy a house, a dog, a cat maybe. We're going to get whatever you want, and do whatever you want. Hell I'll marry you right when we leave if that's what you want. Anything to prove to you I love you..." He said through tears.

"I don't know.... what I'll do if you don't wake.."

"Dean.. Shut up." You say trying to yell. But failing miserably, you hadn't talked in almost five days.

"Y/n. Oh my god! You're awake." He says excitedly. You smiled.

"Dean I heard everything you said, and I love you too. I think we should go back to how we were." You say before he kisses you.

"Okay lovebirds.... We should get her showered and dressed." A nurse comes in saying.

"Okay... Wait is my baby okay? I probably hurt it oh my god!" You began to ramble because of your selfishness...

"No Mam... Your baby is perfectly healthy, do you want to see it?" She said pulling the ultrasound machine over.

"Yes please." You say "Dean can you get a water for me?" He stands up right away.

"Yeah of course." He says grabbing a water bottle from a bag Sam must have brought earlier.

"This may feel a bit cold, and it may take a minute to find the little thing, but we can hear the heartbeat today." She says with a smile.

You and Dean watch he screen as she looks around your belly. Suddenly you see a little itty bitty thing, that was your baby.

"The heartbeat won't be strong right now, the baby's gone through a lot and you're only 6 weeks along.." She said turning on the sound.

You heard the little thump thump coming from the machine. You looked over at Dean, his mouth was hanging open and he was in awe..

"That's our baby?" He asked the nurse.

"Yep, would you guys like a picture?" She asks.

"Yes!....please" You both say at the same time.


It's been 10 weeks since you've left the hospital, today is the Anatomy Scan. Which is fancy talk for 'Seeing if your baby is developing okay and seeing if it's a baby boy or girl.'

You and Dean weren't finding out the gender today, you were waiting until this weekend when it was your baby shower. Sam was coming to find out and get the right coloured cake for the party.

You got to the hospital, and they did all the usual things that happened at checkups. You met the doctor that would actually be delivering your baby, she seemed very nice.

You saw the baby again, no matter what the gender you were happy, as long as it was healthy.

The doctor counted ten fingers and ten toes, the baby had a healthy heartbeat and apparently was a little bit underweight, and  your due date was later than expected now. Only by a week though.

They gave Sam a little paper that had the gender on it, and the next morning he went off to get the cake. The party was the following day.

You had some fun games planned, like pin the bow on the baby, bottle chug, guess the gender, a name suggestion box, and other fun yard games.

For food you made little cupcakes, Dean was going to make sliders and hot dogs at Bobby's tomorrow, and you had the guests bring salad and drinks.

The guest list wasn't huge, you had Bobby, Sam, You and Dean. Your Aunt Ellen and your cousin Jo, Cas, John and y/f/n.

In the past few weeks you had moved back into the apartment, which was a relief because it was a mess the last time you were there. You quickly got everything picked up and back in order. It took you and Dean a while to get back to where you were before you were in the hospital.

You were kind of awkward at first, only small kisses around Bobby and Sam(Who you had made up with as well) But within a week or two that quickly escalated to more... Now you two are practically inseparable, whenever you have to go to work you feel like your missing a piece of you, and Dean feels the exact same.

You had even started going back to school, only part time but you were taking some courses to hopefully become a (Dream job) One day.

You and Dean had discussed the whole hunting, and upbringing of your child already. Once they were old enough you would tell him/her about what you used to be, and when they were old enough teach them how to keep them self safe. But you were not going to raise them into the job.

You wanted them to stay in school, not changing every few weeks. That was more important to you, but Dean made you promise you'd let them be a kid as long as possible.

You knew he didn't want to raise his kids at all like his father raised him and Sammy. And one thing Sam and him never got to do was be kids.. But you two didn't really talk about that because John was a sensitive topic for Dean.

That night you and Dean went to bed with all the party preparations ready.

You finally felt like everything was right and you were normal person living a normal life...

Better Now: Dean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now