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You wake up in your bed, the smell of bacon and pancakes in the air.

You sit up to go see where the smell is coming from. When you sit up you feel a sharp pain at the bottom of your back. When you look down you realize that your stomach is larger than usual...

"Wait I'm like very pregnant all of the sudden?" You say to yourself.

When you walk out of the room you are in you feel a small pair of arms wrap around your legs.

"Mommy! Daddy mommy is awake now!!" Hold on I have a kid that is like an actual kid?! Who's the daddy?

You walk out into the dining room and kitchen area, it's a large open concept kitchen and a large dining room. Nothing like you remember it.

You see Dean sitting at the table and who you can assume is your son seating himself.

"Hey babe how did you sleep?" Dean asks.

"Umm fine... Wheres Bobby and Sam, don't they live here too?" You ask.

"What do you mean y/n we moved here years ago?" He said. You don't remember any of this happening.

You sat down and ate, and helped your son eat his food, Dean looked over at you lovingly the entire time.

Your head begins to hurt like crazy and you see a small flash of an image... It's you laying in a hospital bed with Dean beside you.

You suddenly realize that this place you are in right now is a dream. Or like the place in life you wish you were most... You remembered trying to kill yourself, and now you're in a coma.

"Dean....This isn't real..." You say to him, he has a confused look on his face.

"What do you mean, of course it is...." He says.

"No Dean believe me... The real me is trapped inside a hospital practically dead because I'm in a coma, you are there beside me... This is all just a dream..." You look around and suddenly you're no longer in the house with Dean, you are at a new house.

It was small, a red brick exterior, had a little white porch and a red door. You knew you wouldn't be put here by whatever coma god thing controls people's dreams for nothing. So you decide to go up and knock on the door.

To your surprise a woman answers, not just any woman either, it's your sister.. You don't say hi or anything, you just hug her.

"Hi? Why are you so excited to see me?" She asks.

"Chloe! This is going to sound crazy and a little scary, but this is just a dream. In the real world you are dead and right now I am in a coma because I tried.....I tried to kill myself." Her eyes widen. You know she either doesn't believe you, or is just shocked at the news.

"I...How'd I die?" She asked scared.

"You were killed by a vampire, well turned by one and I had to kill you..." You trailed off hugging her.

"Why did you try to kill yourself then y/n!" She yelled at you. You really didn't know the truth to that question, honestly you wished you wouldn't have.

"It's very very complicated..." You say before she fades away and another scene is put in front of you.

You recognize this place, it's your parents work... you check a nearby paper.. It read the date they disappeared. You quickly run into their office knowing you're safe from whatever is there. You see something that you don't recognize taking them, and so you follow it.

When you get to.. what looks like a lab... you go in and see all the people that are in cages, being tested on by these mutant looking things. And in two of the cages there are your parents.

You kept saying this is a dream, This is a dream. But then a voice said now you know the truth...


I've been sitting next to her the past three days she has been in a coma. I haven't left at all, they've tried to get me to leave but I refuse.

Sam brings me dinner and lunch, and breakfast but I barely eat any of it. I only drink the coffee to stay awake.

I grab her hand... "y/n if you're here, there are so many things I want to tell you, but I can't because you can't hear me... but I want you to know..." Suddenly her heart rate monitor starts beeping and the line is going all sorts of crazy..

"Nurse!" I yell running into the hallway. They all come in and crowd around her, they push me out of the room and I have to sit against the door to hear anything they're saying. I cry again, I feel like like such a crybaby... I know I've lost her... What do I have to live for now.


Next thing you know you see a light...

Is that heaven? You think.

You see your sister.

You'd give anything to see her again, you begin to walk towards her.

"No! Y/n go back to Dean!" She yells.

"But I want to be with you, I don't want to go and live in the real world." You say to her.

"Dean is down there I promise you if you go back you'll have a family... your baby will live.. Please just go." She said sadly.

"I love you Chloe don't ever forget that."

You say and suddenly everything goes black.....

A/n so guys if this chapter sucks it's because I wrote it at school I'll go back and edit it later lol:) Remember to vote and comment to let me know you're enjoying the story! I'm open to suggestions! Thanks for reading💖

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