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Bobby and Sam arrived around 6, Cas arrived pretty much right after you two had talked about having the party... He said he heard you two talking about him and thought he'd come down.

You had made some spaghetti and meatballs, Caesar salad and garlic bread. Bobby brought an apple pie, and Sam brought a case of beer.

"So sweetheart want to show me around the place?" Bobby asks you. You take him and show him the living room, kitchen, dining area, bathroom and your bedroom.. Then he asks what the two extra rooms will be used for.

"Well one is going to be a guest room for now... but another is going to be for when Dean and I decide to have a baby..." You say shyly.

"That better not be anytime soon...I'm not old enough to be a grandpa yet." Bobby says to you.

"Don't expect it happening soon, but you'll have to take on that roll one day." You say walking back to the dining room.

Cas and Sam are sitting down at the table well Dean brings out the plates of food. You take your seat in between Cas and an empty seat for Dean. Bobby sits in between Sam and Dean.

"Thanks for coming tonight, though I could think of better ways to spend my night... Y/n really wanted you guys over, and as they say happy wife happy life.." Dean said raising his glass and everyone clinked glasses.

"To a new beginning, and better sleeps now that they're gone.." Sam says snickering. You and Dean blush.

"I'm proud of you sweetie." Bobby says to you. "Over the last year I've seen you become the strongest woman I know. I didn't think you'd be able to live after what happened but here you are proving me wrong."

"Thanks Bobby." You say kissing him on the cheek.

"And Dean, If it wasn't for you I don't think she'd be this way, so thank you so so much." Bobby says nodding towards Dean.

"I try." Dean says with a smile wrapping his arm around you and kissing the top of your head.

"Let's eat." You say with a smile.

Everyone takes their food, you all talk about how the past three months have been without you two there, 'peaceful' and 'quiet' Comes up quite often.

"Umm sorry to interrupt guys.."Cas says "But how do you get these noodles to stay on the fork, everyone I try to pick them up like you guys they just fall off." He says quietly.

Dean roars with laughter at this.

"Dean! Don't make him feel bad, he probably doesn't eat spaghetti in heaven. Also he is a guest be respectful!" You say pointing a finger at Dean.

"Okay,okay I'll stop." He says holding his hands up.

You then give Cas a quick lesson on how to twirl his spaghetti on his fork. He gets it pretty quick and you guys return to your meal.


By the time they leave you've done dishes and had a couple beers. You're ready to head off to bed, because it's 12AM.

"Babe where are you going?" Dean asks from the kitchen.

"To bed I'm really tired, I think y/f/n is coming tomorrow to go shopping with me for clothes, because I'm in desperate need of some new ones." You say with a sigh.

"But you said.." Dean trailed off in his whiny voice..

"I know I said, I guess I should keep my promise.." You say smirking and walking over to him.

You two kiss for a while, then suddenly Dean lifts you onto the counter, and peels off his shirt.

"Really... Right here?" You ask as he plants kisses along your neck.

"We could go to the bed, but that's boring.." He says looking at you through his eyelashes.. You know deep down he's only looking at you like that because he reallly wants it...

"Fine." You huff. "Just don't give me a concussion or anything" You say giggling, with how clumsy you are it's probable you'd get one anyway...


You two are finally ready for bed around 3:30 AM. You gather your clothes and his and throw them in the hamper and put on pajamas. Dean opts for sleeping in his boxers but you really don't care.

You thought back to Bobby's speech at the dinner table.. You realized how good your life really was. You had your own house, the Perfect boyfriend and you are really happy.

One thought, not a happy one crossed your mind though..It was as if a voice in the back of your head was telling you.

Good things always come to an end.......

Better Now: Dean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now