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This first visit was nothing special. You and Dr. Harmony discussed the reason your here(Chloe's death) Also about how you've been feeling lately. She prescribed you medicine to take twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. She said it would help you feel better and more energetic.

Before leaving you booked eight more sessions, they would happen once a week every Tuesday. For some reason when the secretary asked what day would work best for you Tuesday popped into your head. You come back out of the office and step outside, Dean was waiting for you in the car,but this time he was in the driver seat.

"Not that I don't like AC/DC sweetheart" Your eyes widened at the comment but you still kept listening. "But I was really in the mood for some other songs" He says as he turns up the radio. Heat of The Moment by Asia was now blasting through the speakers. You laughed as you stepped into the passenger side of the car.Dean was dancing to the song and was trying to make you join in, but after talking about your sisters death to the doctor, you weren't up to it.

You stay quiet for most of the ride, Dean noticed that. He knew exactly why you were too.

You set your hand on your lap and gazed out the window, suddenly you felt another hand join it. You glance down and Dean had grabbed your hand and was holding it in his. You smiled at this. Even though it was a small gesture it meant a lot to you that he understood how you felt.

The rest of the ride home was very quiet, Dean only took his hand away from yours to turn off the music but grabbed your hand again right after.When you pulled in the driveway you sat in the car for a minute. Dean went towards the house and you eventually followed suit.


Since your first appointment a lot has changed. Not just your mood and actions. Life changes as well. You got a job again, at a small breakfast bar down the road called "Angels Café" Working helped you keep your mind off things and have you some extra cash.Dean would drop you off and pick you up. You told him it wasn't a far walk but he insisted. Your last appointment had just finished and you walked outside to find Dean leaning on 'Baby' You playfully slapped his arm.

"Hey" He said to you as you guys got in the car.
"I can't believe I'm done." You sigh.
"Me too, I'm proud of you." He said back. "I'm going to miss the extra time I get to spend with you on these car rides" He adds.

Your heart beat picks up, did he actually just say that?!!
"Me too" you agree grabbing his hand like the first time.

~That Night: Deans POV~

I woke up, looked at my clock 4:30AM.
"What the.." My voice trailed off into nothingness. I suddenly realize what woke me up, I hear yelling coming from y/n's room and I know she had another nightmare. I get up out of bed, throw on a shirt and walk down the hall to her room.

"Y/n you okay?" I ask, slowly opening the door.

Your POV

You hear Dean open the door asking if you're okay. Your not, you shake your head no as the tears start streaming down your face.

"Hey, hey don't cry I'm here" He says coming over and crouching next to your bed.
"I...I had a nightmare and..." You told him it was about your sister dying. He sighed..

"I haven't had one since... my first appointment" You say through sniffles.
"Did you take your meds?" Dean asked soothingly.
"Dammit! That's why! I'm so stupid... Will you hand me the bottle." You say to him.
"Stop That sweetheart" He says brushing the hair out of your face handing you the bottle. "Don't ever call yourself stupid you're so smart, I'd know that" He said smiling. Your heartbeat picked up... He called you sweetheart and was touching your face. You were upset with yourself for acting like a teenager with a crush. He is like your brother. A little voice reminded you.

You sat like that for 20 minutes until you calmed down, Dean got up to leave.

"Dean" You said so quietly it was almost a whisper...
"Yeah princess?" Oh my god your heart literally skipped a beat when he called you that, Dean always had this natural charm, and had attempted to use that on you before. To which you punched him in the arm and told him you would not fall for him ever. Guess you were wrong you thought very quickly. Before realizing what you were saying four words slipped out of your mouth...

"Will you stay here?" You asked him.
"Yeah of course." He smiled and walked over to you and sat on the floor.
"You don't have to sit on the floor, you can come up here." You said patting the spot on the bed next to you.
"Wow your letting me in your bed!" He said comically, you pushed his arm.
"Don't make me change my mind boy." You said, and Dean commented on how you sounded like Bobby there. You both laughed.


Bobby knocks on your door.
"Y/N" He says.
"Yeah" You say sleepily.. while stretching.
"Have you seen Dean? Sam said he heard you two talking last night but Dean ain't in his room!" His voice was laced with worry.
"I have no id..." You turn around and see another person in bed with you. You gasp at first then you remember what happened last night.

"Maybe he went to the Diner for breakfast?" You said trying to get Bobby to leave.
"His car is still here" Bobby sighed.
"Maybe he decided to walk, people can change." You say, you feel Dean poke your arm for that remark and laugh.

You hear Bobby ask Sam to come with him to go find Dean. "Thank god" You whisper.
"What you don't think Bobby would like me walking out of your room, after you just woke up?" He said teasingly.
"Oh I bet he'd love that" You replied rolling your eyes.

Dean looked you in the eyes, as if asking if last night meant anything.
"Thank you...For staying here last night." You looked at the floor shyly.
"No problem sweetheart." He smiled and got out of bed, and left the room. There it was again, that word that he said so calmly and effortlessly, like it meant nothing. But it did mean something to you.

~One week later~

Your clock reads 2:30, when you hear your door slowly creak open. Ever since 'The incident' Last week Dean comes in around the same time every night to stay with you, and you've had no nightmares.

Every morning Dean sneaks out of your room before Bobby wakes up, and you feel like a piece of You is missing.

Dean came in silently and you moved over so there'd be space for him in the bed. You guys have done nothing but be in the same bed, facing back to back and sleep.Just his presence helps you rest.

You woke up that morning feeling Deans arm around you. It scared you at first because you forgot he was there but once you realized who is was you didn't try and get him off, and moved closer to him. You felt him rest his chin on top of your head before the two of you drifted back off to sleep. Neither of you heard Bobby open the door....

Better Now: Dean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now