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Bobby came in to tell you breakfast was ready, but stopped when he saw you two. His fatherly instincts wanted to come in and drag Dean out by his ear. But he knew you were hurting and you needed someone or something to help you, and Dean seemed to be that someone.

Sam came out to eat breakfast, and asked where you two were.

"Well... they're sleeping..Umm, I don't know why but Dean is with her.." Bobby trailed off scratching the back of his neck.
"Really?!, that's hilarious!" Sam said with a chuckle setting his plate down on the table and taking his seat.
"Boy, that ain't hilarious I don't know what your brother did to my daughter in there!" Bobby raised his voice, worried but seemingly calm as well.
"Bobby first of all she is 25, she can do what she wants. Or who.." Sam adds with a cough as Bobby slaps his shoulder.
"Second of all if they did anything I'm sure you'd hear it the walls are pretty thin." Sam replied with a smirk.
"You have a point..." Bobby said hearing noise from the bedroom.
"Do me a favour and talk to one of them about it. They're more comfortable around you than me.." Bobby said as he left.

~Deans POV~

'Y/n is so cute when she sleeps' I thought to myself. Careful not to wake her up I slipped out of the room and went towards the kitchen.

"There he is the man of the hour!" Sam said as he patted me on the back.
"What the hell do you mean?" I said pulling myself away from him, confused.
"Bobby saw you and y/n cuddling this morning, he thinks something happened." Sam couldn't stop a laugh from escaping when he said it.
"No!" I said a little too loud. "She's been having a hard time the past week and I'll go and sit with her."
"Sit, sure" Sam said making air quotations.
"Okay maybe I'll go in her bed but we don't do anything" I said putting lots of emphasis on the last word.
"Thank god!" You hear Bobby sigh from the hall, he was clearly eavesdropping.
"Bobby do you really think I'd stoop that low... Have a little respect for your favourite Winchester." I smiled.
"Ha! Favourite Winchester!" Bobby retorted.

All three of us were laughing.

"Thanks for sitting with her Dean she really trusts you, and you make her happier, I can tell.I don't think I could do whatever it is your doing to help her" He said seriously, but you heard Sam snort, which made you punch his arm for doing.
"First of all Sammy I don't do that, we've cleared that up. Secondly" I said pointing at Bobby "No problem, what else would I do for someone I lo... Care about." I caught myself before I said love, even if it was the truth....

~Your POV~

You wake up and watch Dean slip out of your room. You feel that emptiness creep up on you again, but push it down and go get dressed. You put on a Led Zeppelin print tee, and black ripped jeans. You may or may not have done it because Led Zeppelin is Deans favourite band... You throw your hair into a messy bun and walk out towards the kitchen. When you hear the boys having a conversation, about you. You want to go out but you don't want to interrupt so you stand around the corner, until you hear "No problem what else would I do for someone I lo... Care about."

You almost choked on air at what you just heard. Did Dean Winchester really almost say he loved you! You had to take a minute to compose yourself before going out there.

"Hey guys!" You say grabbing the last plate, that was obviously saved for you.
"Hey sweetheart." Bobby says giving you a hug.
"Hey." Sam says smiling.
You look at Dean, expecting him to say hi or good morning...
"I love your shirt! Where'd you get it?" He says enthusiastically.
"At a store in the mall, they had matching ones in the men's section, we could go buy one if you'd like." You say smiling at him.
"No way! Could we please go!" He said with the excitement radiating off him like a little kid going to a candy store.
"After I eat we can, Sam you want to come too?" You asked looking over at the younger brother, who was quietly eating his meal.
"I think I'll pass for today, maybe next time though." He says shaking his head at his brother.

Dean ran to his room to grab new clothes and his keys.

"Are you ready to go yet?" Dean whined.
"Yes, unless I have to do dishes..." You said., but Bobby told you to go before Dean starts bouncing off the walls.


You sit in the passenger side of the car. Out of habit Dean grabs your hand and he drives off. Before leaving Dean takes a Bon Jovi cassette puts it in and sings along.

You've become familiar with all of Deans songs he listens to. Your favourite cassettes are the AC/DC, Led Zeppelin And the Kansas ones. Bon Jovi is okay on occasion.

(A/n this next part should be easy to recognize, if you don't... why are you reading this?? Just kidding😂But if you don't there is a video at the top of this chapter.. Watch it!!! It's so cute and Sad at the same time. Like Dean is singing to make Sam happy and it makes me cry every time I watch it!! That is all continue reading:)

Dean turns to you and begins to sing Wanted Dead or Alive...
"Come on y/n... This song always makes Sammy happy." He says with a smile... " No matter what he always sings along." He then makes a pouty face. How can anyone say no to that! You wonder.

You realize He is trying to get you to sing, so you mumble along and gradually get louder. You look over at Dean and he has the biggest smile on his face you've ever seen. Your heart swells.

By the time you guys reach the mall you're all sung out. Even after the song finished you guys sang along to the others, all the way there...

When you get inside, you take Dean to the store you bought the top at. He seems overwhelmed at first because there were so many band related things, and he wanted them all. You tell him you'd buy the shirt, he has to buy anything else he wants. He nods his head eagerly and hurry's to the men's section.

~one hour later~

Dean finally returns with his arms full of band shirts, and hands you the matching one to yours.

"Are you finally done?" You say with a laugh.
"Don't say that, ill just second guess myself and go back." He says as you two get in line at the register.

You buy the one shirt and some other things for yourself, your total comes to $35.65 you hand the cashier a gift card you have for the shop, and wait for Dean by the exit.

He comes back with two bags full, another one of those big smiles on his face.
"How much did you spend?" You ask him.
"Umm like $120?" He says, embarrassed at the amount.
"Remind me to never take you there again" You say as you two exit the mall.

The ride home goes the same as the way there, when you get back to Bobby's it's nearly dinner time. You shut the car door and start to head up the driveway, when Dean grabs your arm to stop you..

"What do you want? I was trying to go inside.." You say jokingly, but curious why he stopped you.
"I had fun today y/n, even though I burned a hole in my wallet, I enjoyed hanging out with you" He says smiling shyly.
"Me too Dean" You blush.
"Would you like to do it again sometime" Dean asked the words slipping out of his mouth.

It took you a minute to realize what he was saying.. Just to be sure...
"What?" You say looking up at him.
His next words were jumbled but you heard them clear as day.

"Wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

A/n! That video at the top does not belong to me! It is from a YouTube channel called Tasha, but it is also from the CW's Supernatural:) What are your favourite music moments from Supernatural? In my opinion Dead or Alive And Eye of the Tiger are tied! Thank you all for reading:)💞

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