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You wake up in your bed. You glance at the clock 4:52 AM.

"It was just another nightmare" You say to yourself through the tears. It has been three weeks since your sisters funeral. You haven't felt the same since. It wasn't a big funeral. You, Bobby, Sam and Dean(Their father was on another hunt) You appreciated their presence and found it comforting to have people your age that you knew so well here with you.

You heard quick footsteps coming from down the hall, and a small knock.
"Y/N, I heard you crying, are you okay?" You hear the sleep filled voice and recognize it as Deans.
"Yeah, I just.." You didn't want to say you had a nightmare because that was childish. "I couldn't sleep" You say shaking your head.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked concern clear with his tone of voice.
"Um yeah, thanks." You say and lay your head on the pillow.
"Come to my room if you need anything." He said and with that, he walked away.

You've been having nightmares almost steady the past three weeks, all of them replaying your sisters' death over and over. You would wake up in a cold sweat dry tears on your cheeks, and your hands bunched in the sheets, and your vocal chords strained. 'Do I scream too?' You thought.

What you didn't know was every time you awoke screaming or sobbing, Dean would hear you through the walls and come sit outside your door until you stopped crying. Tonight he thought that maybe you'd let him come in and talk to you, but it didn't happen.

You go back to sleep and don't wake up until 10 AM the next morning. When you wake up you see Dean leaning against your door with two plates of pancakes and bacon.
"I brought you breakfast" He smiles proudly and handed you a plate with a noticeably smaller amount of bacon. You let out a sigh, Dean loved bacon, more than the average person you knew, this made you laugh.

"Why is there another plate?" You say jokingly, knowing he was planning on eating with you.
"I thought I'd make it a date... like two friends out for breakfast" He caught himself saying a date, you also caught it. You couldn't help but notice the way your heart fluttered a tiny bit when he said it.

"Well, this is no place for a date," You say looking around your room "There's no table."

"We can eat here. As long as 'we don't get crumbs on the bed' " You laughed as Dean imitated Bobby saying the last sentence.
You guys eat, him faster than you, as per usual.
"Well I'm up for seconds" He says standing up and practically runs to the kitchen.You let out a sigh and roll your eyes.

Dean was so happy hearing you laugh and seeing you smile again, he felt like things were getting better for you. That made him happy.


Bobby and you had talked about you seeing a psychiatrist and a doctor about your mental health. You agreed thinking it would be nice to have someone professional to talk to about your problems to.

So today you had an appointment to see Dr.Harmony, she was the best in the area and was looking forward to seeing you.

"Balls!" You heard Bobby shout from the other room.
"Bobby, what is it?" You say coming into the dining room. Whenever the phrase Balls was used you knew something was up.
"Darling I know your appointment was today, but John just called and he has a big lead on his case and needs help." He frowns. "Do you want to go alone or cancel the appointment... I..I could stay home and go with you." He stammers, you know he feels upset that he may have to cancel

"Bobby, it's okay... I'm 25 I can go alone!" You say, sometimes you feel like he doesn't understand your age and still sees you as his little girl.
"Or I could go with her" Dean says smirking and leaning on the door frame.
"Dean! You're such an eavesdropper. This is a private conversation... That means you were not supposed to hear!" You shout. You were embarrassed that he heard because you didn't want anyone but Bobby to know you were struggling.

After a lot of convincing you finally allowed Dean to come along. Bobby left you guys with enough cash and food to last 2 weeks and left for the hunt. You couldn't help the worry that rose in your chest as you watched Bobby drive off.

You went back into the house and went to have a shower. You picked out an average outfit for you(Red flannel over a plain white tee, black jeans, and tan ankle boots) Threw your hair into two braids and knocked on Deans door.

"I'm ready to go." You said opening the door. You watched as Deans mouth made a small O as he checked you out, quickly, but still noticeable.
"Okay, umm we can go to the car." He said walking past you.
"Can I drive?" You asked jokingly knowing he wouldn't let you set foot in the driver seat. Dean loved The Impala. You always joked around about 'Baby' You would pester Dean and say it was like his first love.

"If you want" Dean said shrugging. You were lost in thought and forgot you had even asked.
"Who are you, and what have you done with Dean Winchester, because the real one would never let anyone but him drive this car." You said laughing.

"I usually don't trust anyone with baby" He said touching the hood of the car. "But I trust you, and I'm right here so why not." He said while tossing you the keys. You caught them and opened the door to the driver seat. You couldn't help but notice the way you felt when he said he trusted you.

You start the engine.
"Listen to her, try to tell me that's not the most beautiful sound you've ever heard" Dean said patting the dash.

You wanted to say yes but then another sound popped into your head that was much more beautiful, Deans voice... Singing Eye Of The Tiger... You glance over and see him playing air guitar and drums while singing. He's so cute, you immediately pushed that thought out of your head. I think of Dean as a brother not like that!

You grab a cassette labeled AC/DC, and replace the Eye of the Tiger one with it. Back in Black comes on and you're much happier.
"What was that for!" Dean whines like a little boy.

"You know the rule." You look him in the eyes...
"Driver picks the music..." You pause.
"And shotgun shuts his cakehole" Dean finishes the sentence and rolls his eyes.
You laugh as you pull out of the driveway, and drive towards the office.

Better Now: Dean X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now