Names and Frustration

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Matthew and Gilbert sit on the couch, quite tired after having to go to the vet. The Canadian looks down at the shoebox on his lap. In it rests the tiny injured bird, now wearing a small cotton band around its left wing. It looks a lot better than before; all the mud that dirtied it has been washed away, revealing its vibrant, yellow feathers. The little creature peers up at Matthew and chirps.

"What should we name it?", The Canadian asks, smiling down at their newfound 'pet'.

Gilbert glances at the bird, quite disinterested.
"We don't have to name it. We're gonna release it soon, anyway."

"Oh..", Matthew purses his lips. "Okay.."

Seeing the look on the blonde's face makes Gilbert feel bad, so he tries to "undo" everything in an attempt to cheer the Canadian up.

"Kesese, I-I'm just kidding! We could name it if you want!"

Matthew looks at the albino. He can't help but laugh at the Prussian's weird facial expression. Such a dork, he thought to himself.

"It's fine, really. Just please don't make that face. "

Gilbert chuckles, breaking the expression. As much as he wanted to keep it on, he thought about how funny he looked. I'm so funny, he thought to himself.

"C'mon, didn't you want to name it?"

Matthew smiles and nods, observing the hopping bird.
"It's too cute to be nameless. I need your help, though. I don't have any ideas."

Gilbert looks up, thinking of a name. He wants it to be something cute, or funny. Maybe something that won't get him too attached. Dog? Nah. Doug? Sounds like an old man. Chirpy? Too cute, he might even decide to keep the bird.

But then it dawned on him. The perfect name. A balance between cute, funny, and not too personal. The name of all names. The name that shows true temporary ownership. A very good ice breaker, too.


Upon hearing this, Matthew spits his imaginary drink.
"Pfft, What??"

"Gilbird! Named after the most awesome individual in the world."

The Canadian can't help but laugh.
"Such a lucky bird."

"Kesese~", Gilbert snickers, wrapping an arm around the blonde's shoulder. "You know who else is lucky?"

Matthew faces Gilbert and squints.
"It's me, isn't it?" , he says in a tone.

The Prussian smirks.
"Well shit, what makes you think that?"

The slightly (really) done Matthew huffs at his response.

"Well... Considering how 'awesome' you are (and how you finger gun every mirror you come by), It's kinda expec— mmph!"

The Canadian soon realizes that he was pulled into a kiss. The tender crashing of their lips catches Matthew off his guard as he feels heat rising up to his cheeks. Seconds later, they pull away, Gilbert's face just inches away from his.

Gilbert grins, his hand playing with the blonde's hair.
"I'm the lucky one. Just how conceited do you think I am?"

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