Set Ups and Stalking

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//We have Alfred and Matthias in this chapter :)

I'm quite low on inspiration, so please, PLEASE bear with me and my lack of ideas. //

Alfred: Gil, hang out w/ Matthias 5PM @ the ticket booth of the amusement park I used to work in, gonna be fun I promise >:)

* * *

Gilbert, sitting on the bench beside the ticket booth, has been waiting half an hour long for his friends who never came. He texted them at least ten times already, yet they still didn't reply.

Is this a prank or something?, Gilbert thought; perhaps he should never trust texts with the ">:)" emoticon  ever again. The Prussian decides to wait for an extra five minutes before leaving, impatiently tapping his foot on the grass and checking his watch from time to time.

"H-Hi, Gilbert... What are you doing here?"

Gilbert cocks his head up, knowing who it is without even taking a look. His precious Matthew. Recalling the Canadian's puckering lips in the 'slip up' incident, he just knows he still has a shot with him, even if it's a tiny one. Gotta look cool.

The Prussian flashes a genuine smile at Matthew, combing a hand through his hair.

"Kesese, Matthias and Alfred told me to come here... They haven't showed up yet, though."

The blonde raises a brow, sensing something fishy.

"Really? Alfred told me to come here as well..."

Ahhhh, sneaky little sons of bitches. And of course they would have to be nearby, watching our every move.

Gilbert's pupils quickly switch from left to right, as if looking for something. Matthew notices, but decides not to intervene.

"Meh, nevermind them. Want to go get some ride tickets?", Gilbert says, failing to spot his two friends, although he did see some quick movements around a nearby oak tree. Strange.

"Shit Matt, you think he saw us?", Alfred whispered quite loudly to his friend, shifting behind the same oak tree Gilbert took a glance at.

"No, I'm not sure... But there they are!"

"Heh, we're super spies now."

The two blondes watch their Prussian friend and the Canadian walk towards a ticket booth. Alfred smirks as he sees the pair reading a certain flyer just beside the counter.

"Here's the fun part. When I worked here, they always made some promo stuff for couples. Today's one of those days, and Gilbert obviously wants to get that ride-all bracelet."

Matthias faces Alfred in amusement, definitely with him in this one.



Within five minutes of conversation, Gilbert was able to convince the flustered Matthew into pretending as if they were a couple. He did want to hold the blonde in the waist and look at him for more than two seconds. Plus, it's a ride-all bracelet for thirty percent off! He looks at his blushing "boyfriend" in the eyes, arm wrapped around his slightly feminine waist as the girl behind the counter looks them both from head to toe.

"So... you a couple or something?", she asks, quite disinterested. Gilbert, confident and all (as well as really Matthew-desperate), smiles at the Canadian and back at the employee. "Ja, we are."

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