Tricks and Trust

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Matthew smiles, stroking the Prussian's hair as his lover lies down on his lap facing him. The couple is currently on Matthew's bed, Alfred away auditioning for some play. Apparently he likes theater and at the same time enjoys making money out of it.

"Babe, I almost forgot."


"Come closer.", Gilbert answers, trying to trick the Canadian into a surprise kiss. Unfortunately the blonde has already recognized his childlike ways.

"I know what's on your mind, Gil."

"I dunno what you're talking about. Now come closer or I won't tell."

"How important is this?"

"Super important."

"Why can't you tell me now?"

"Just come closer."

Matthew sighs. He fell for this scheme way too many times, and he can't believe he'll fall for it again just to see if he's actually got something important to say. It's a very rare occurrence, though. He leans forward, and to his surprise the Prussian's head didn't lunge up at him like the shark in Jaws. Instead he grins, staring at the Canadian's beautiful eyes.

"I got a new job, and two clients."

Matthew raises his brows, gaping in a pleasant surprise.

"Wait, really?"


"What's your job?"

"Come a little closer and you'll find out."

"I swear, Gil, if this turns out to be one big lie--"

"It's not, i swear. Just do it."


The Canadian carefully leans closer to Gilbert, curious.

"I'm a web designer. Freelance. It earns good."

Matthew smiles at the albino.

"I never knew you can design websites."

"Well, it is my major."

"I'm so happy for you, babe."

Gilbert smirks, playing with his boyfriend's wavy hair.

"You are?"

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Then lean a little more. I'll tell you something special."


"Yep. Wanna hear it?"


Matthew moves closer a little bit more, leaving only a little space between them much to the Prussian's delight. The blonde glances at Gilbert's face, waiting for this something special the man is going to tell him.

"So.. What is it?"

And like the desperate shark in Jaws, the mischievous Prussian lunges to capture the Canadian's lips. The flustered Matthew jolts in surprise, although finds it hard to pull away.  Being so close to him just felt so.. hot. The albino lets the pair of lips go, tracing the bottom lip with his tongue before smirking.


The shy lover's face slowly turns into a shade of red, lip slightly quivering. He only realizes he's been staring for an awkward while when he sees his lover's brow rise as if there's something  off. By this he quickly pulls away, pouting.

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