Kiss and Confess

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Oh, It's driving him crazy. Really, really crazy. The amusement park was his big opportunity to tell Matthew about what he thinks..uh.. They.... should be, and assuming that Matthew agrees, they'd live happily ever after. But nOoO, Alfred and Gilbert had to come along and ruin his awesome grand plan. And because of that, he's doing what he thinks is the low key craziest thing he's ever done the entire week: taking the weight off his shoulders.

Ding dong...

The Prussian rings the doorbell, hands fidgeting as his longing and the idea of him and the Canadian together convinces him to brave it out and not run until the door opens.

You can do this, Gil. Don't tell me you're scared of just a simple interaction.

A bead of sweat forms, dribbling down the side of Gilbert's nervous face. His heart beats fast, foot impatiently tapping, wondering if he needed to ring twice. But before his finger even tried to reach the doorbell a second time, he hears the sound of a knob turning.

Stay awesome, Gilbert, you're awesome! Just do it!

And alas, the door opens! And in front of him stands his sweet, blonde love, glasses a bit crooked, skin a bit tanned, the stray hair a cowlick-- Hold on.


Stupid fucking me.

He forgot that his darling Matthew shares a house with the American and now he has to face his nosy friend. He has no choice but to say anything other than the truth though, otherwise Alfred will follow him everywhere as if he was a lost, hostile puppy looking for a home. He'll stay away only if...

"I gotta talk to Matthew."

"Ooh? About what?"

"None of your business.."

"Ooh, you're confessing now~?"

Sigh. He's bound to know sooner or later.

Gilbert rolls his eyes.

"Ja, jaaaa. Now leave us be for once, please?"

"HOLY SHIT! Yeah, sure, oh god, I knew it! I'm telling Matthias!"

And like that, the American rushes to his charging phone and leaves the albino to do his own thing.

"Heh, I shipped it, Gil!"

"Ja, I get it!"

"Want me to call your new /babe/ for you~?", Alfred offers, grinning like a madman. An annoyed look can be seen in Gilbert's face; he hated it whenever Alfred reacts to the kept secrets he tells him. The loud freak always makes it sound like a big thing.

Gilbert closes the door behind him, walking inside.

"Ughh, go."

The American calls his brother, taking a deep breath before yelling loudly.


A faint response can be heard from upstairs, following the sound of footsteps heading to where the two are.

"He is not my prince, Alfred!"

Matthew is now seen at the bottom of the stairs, and as soon as the Prussian locked eyes with him, both their cheeks had a tinge of red in them. Alfred noticed this, as he was noticeably giddy in his seat.

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