Mornings and Slight Jealousy

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A/N: Just a little grammar edit on this one, no need to reread :3

Matthew was in his room, petting the lazy Kumajiro (or Kumihako, perhaps..) on his lap as he sits and ponders on his bed. It has been a week since his 'date' with Gilbert. Everything was quiet except for the pleasant chirps heard from the birds outside. Morning light shines from the window and bounces back at every surface of the room. It was so serene, so peaceful... Too bad Matthew wasn't a morning person.

There he is on his bed, petting his polar bear with a grumpy look on his face. He may be petting too hard for little growls of discontent can be heard from the abnormally small creature.

His bedhead, until now, is left untouched; those soft, wavy curls looking tangled and unkempt. A little bit like that one curl which never stays in place. It still stands out the most, though. What kind of magic power does that curl possess?

All Matthew wants right now are pancakes drenched in maple syrup and some more rest. He can't choose both, though. Alfred can't flip the pancakes perfectly, so he'll have to do them himself and that means no rest for him. I mean, his brother's pancakes are decent, but they're not PERFECT. PANCAKE BATTER DESERVES A WHOLE LOT BETTER THAN GETTING COOKED INTO AN IMPERFECT CIRCLE. NO ARGUMENTS.

So he has to choose. Sleep, or pancakes?

Just when he was about to make the most important decision of his life, a loud slam was heard from downstairs and he jumped, clearly frightened and surprised.

Time to dig Alfred's grave.

The Canadian gently places his pet on the floor and exits his room, groggily storming downstairs in his pajamas too see where the noise came from. From the stairs he can see Alfred near the door, being the happy jerk he is every morning. Just that he looks happier today, and he seems to be laughing at something. Strange. Time to ask about the loud slamming sound, though.

Matthew walks towards his brother with furrowed brows and squeezes his shoulder.

"Alfred, what the hell was th--"

Now he knows why the American is happy. His friends are here. Specifically his close friends. Specifically Matthias and... Gilbert.

"Kesese! Good morning to you, Matthew~", the Prussian greets, his mouth curling into a little smile. A light blush (sTOP BLUSHING) forms on Matthew's face, as well as some of those annoying butterflies in his stomach. Is it really just a small crush?

"Y-Yeah, good morning, Gilbert... AND Matthias."

Alfred notices the change in his brother's tone and smirks. Ooh look, a ship (Kiku taught him about this)!

"What were you saying, Matthew?"

"N-Nothing...", Matthew responds. It's obvious the slam came from the door Alfred's friends went through. The three of them are just so loud. The Canadian whispers to Alfred, wondering what these people are doing in their house.

"What are they doing here?"

"Eh, they decided to crash."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"C'mon, we planned, like, 15 minutes ago!"

Started with a Party //PruCanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon