Beer and Being Hit On

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Matthew never wanted to party downstairs. It's just that Alfred promised the Canadian the biggest maple syrup bottle there is, and he suuure loves maple syrup. He also wouldn't have to cook tomorrow breakfast's pancakes.

It's unusual, though. Alfred only offers him something when he's too lazy to clean up or stuff... But this? 'To enjoy a party'? His brother must be planning something nasty... At least that was what Matthew thought.

He stood beside the snack bar, a red solo cup in his hand (filled to the brim with coke), waiting for embarrassing shit to happen. A few minutes of awkward leaning and sipping, nothing did. Instead, a slightly familiar white haired guy approached him... and he had ruby red eyes.

The shy blonde looked up from his carbonated drink and to the older man. He was holding a newly opened can of beer; guessing from the color of the can and brand, it seems like one of the strong ones. Isn't he one of Alfred's friends?, Matthew thought. He might've mistaken the Canadian for his brother; it happens all the time, especially with him and the Cuban.

"Kesese...What's up, cutie~?"

Matthew was slightly taken aback by the Prussian's heavy German accent. He was kind of glad, though, someone actually hasn't mistook him for his obnoxious sibling. He  knows he just called him cutie, but if he were to be Alfred, it's always along the lines of 'dude' or 'bro'. Someone actually noticed his long, wavy hair in contrast to Alfred's. Most of all, someone actually noticed him! Isn't that great? Wait, he called him cutie...

"...Matthew, isn't it?"

All these thoughts from his head delayed his response to the Prussian, the white haired man still waiting for his answer. Matthew panicked a little, wanting to apologize for the 'delay'.

"A-Ah! oh.. Sorry... Y-Yeah."

The Canadian stuttered, causing Gilbert to chuckle a bit.

He's reallyyyy cute, better make myself look charming. And awesome.

"Adorable.", the Prussian muttered to himself, biting his lip.

"Umm... What?", the Canadian answered softly, a light blush spreading on his cheeks. I mean, his brother's friend is quite attractive... but... Gah.

"Hm~? Kesese! You're adorable, that's all."

Go Gilbert!, he thought to himself. He just can't help it! Look at those innocent eyes. Look at that flustered face. Gilbert ended his sentence with a smirk as he leans on his side to the wall right of Matthew.

You're an awesome sexy beast. Matthew will immediately fall head over heels for you.

Matthew scanned the Prussian from head to toe, from the taller man's white, quite disheveled hair to his just bought sneakers. And what's that smirk? It's kinda...

He's hitting on you. Nope. Don't fall for it.

The Canadian straightened his expression and sipped on his coke, trying his best to avoid the Prussian's stares.

"Just eh.. chilling..drinking."

"And what have you been drinking~?"

The Prussian was quick to respond, and Matthew was quick to lie. Quick, anything with alcohol!


Gilbert looked down at the contents of Matthews cup and snickered. Aaaaadorable.

"Kesese, doesn't look like it."

Matthew blushed in embarrassment as he takes his cup away from Gilbert's vision.

"Please (lol pls Canada)shut up."

"Why don't you try something else?"

"Like what?"

Gilbert swirls his drink around, the beer in his can swishing around in a circular motion.

"Something stronger."


"C'mon, don't be chicken! What's a party without the alcohol?"

"A proper party."

"Nah. Here, try this. It's awesome."

After seconds of glancing at Gilbert and his drink in doubt, he sighs, hesitantly grabbing the can and taking a sip. It was quite strong, maybe a bit too strong for Matthew as seen in the tiny wrinkles forming on his face. But overall it was alright for him. Maaaaybe he wanted some more.

"So, what do you think?"

"Strong but... I think I could need a little 'pick me up'.."

Gilbert grinned at this; maybe he could get the shy Matthew to open up to him with the help of a drink. Maybe even something a little ex--

"That's great!"

"Yeah, so... um... Where'd you find th--"

"This is the last one, guess we need to share! Kesese..."

Gilbert lied. (he's quite childish, don't you think? only middle schoolers believe in indirect kisses...)

"Well... If that's the case.."


Just half of the drink and fun conversation and the undoubtedly light Matthew fell a little bit on the drunk side. But just a little can go a long way.

"Gil-bert.....", Matthew slurred, the alcohol taking over. "So you really think I'm cute, eh?"

Gilbert raises a brow at Matthew, having a feeling he's getting somewhere. He smirks, leaning closer to the blonde.

"Ja, I do. Why'd you ask?"

"Dunno, no one really says that to me... It's... kinda flattering and unusual. I like it."

Before Gilbert can respond, the Canadian goes on.

"And I really felt happy when you didn't mistake me for Alfred. Many people do. It's frustrating. Whenever he does something wrong and people go searching for him, I always take the ranting and complaints because they think I'm him. I'm a completely different person, he's a completely different person, don't they notice? I mean, we do look quite alike but our personalities are very different and--"

Matthew was stopped with a kiss, the albino enjoying the taste and feel of the Canadian's supple lips. He wanted to do that for a while. It lasted for a few seconds before Gilbert pulled away, the Canadian looking at him in both surprise and delight.

"Ranting spoils the mood.", Gilbert smirks, his hand against the wall the shorter man is leaning on as he looks down at him. "Lighten up."

The Canadian blushed and hicced, seeing Gilbert in front of him. 'Jackpot!' was the only thing that was in the Prussian's mind, along with He's super cute and an occasional I am awesome.



"...More. I want more."

He sure is surprising.

Started with a Party //PruCanWhere stories live. Discover now