Maple Coffee and Beautiful Eyes REUPLOAD

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A/N: Reuploaded because the previous version had something that contradicts the plot.

Matthew took a seat next to the window, his favorite place to be in a cafe. He peered at the white haired man ordering their drinks; an espresso for Gilbert (he seems to like the stronger things best), and for him is a latte with--

Oh, he almost forgot to tell the Prussian! He stands up, rushing to Gilbert.

"O-Oh, Gil! I almost forgot.."

Gilbert halted from ordering for a moment to face the shorter guy.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Please tell them to add some maple into my latte, please!"

The albino chuckles upon listening to Matthew's request.

"Kesesesese, that was very Canadian of you!"


"You said please twice!"

"Eh...", The Canadian blushed in embarrassment; it was clearly just a mistake!
"J-Just tell them to... please."

Gilbert smiled at the Canadian before facing back at the cashier. "Sure thing, cutie."

The Canadian walked back to his table and sat, wondering what 'Kumojipu' was doing without him. The bear's probably sleeping on Matthew's bed; it had been there for ages. Akin to Matthew, it didn't find the loud noise from the party yesterday to be either fun or pleasant, so he thinks it decided to take a nap. An incredibly long nap. He's worried, though, the Canadian hasn't checked on his pet in a while.

"Kesese, You look so deep in thought. What are you thinking about?"

Matthew gave too much thought about what his pet was doing that he didn't even notice the Prussian sitting in front of him with their drinks. He looks like he stayed there long enough to be able to take a picture.

"Huh? Oh... Just about my pet..."

"Woah, you have a pet? What is it? A dog? A cat? I— Well, my brother.. has three dogs. Big ones, at that!"

"That's cool", Matthew smiled; at least he no longer has to think about conversation topics to keep their conversation going. "Well, mine's a polar bear. It's name is Kumahiko... I think."

Gilbert widened his eyes. A polar bear? How come Alfred never told him this? He sips his coffee and thinks about the polar bear fitting inside the Canadian's room.

"How does it fit?"

"Well... It is quite small for a polar bear, I was thinking it's a dwarf, if that's possible..", Matthew chuckled, sipping on his maple-infused latte. He sure has an addiction.

Gilbert, well, seems to be growing an addiction to the Canadian's eyes. He practically can't get his own pair off of them; The amethyst purple hue with a light hint of blue were the most beautiful he's ever seen, and he can't help but to stare at those colors as the shorter man continues to talk about his beloved pet.

The Prussian's eyes gaze slowly onto the other features of the younger man. His lips are plump and pink, absolutely kissable. His skin is a porcelain white, like one of those pretty dolls seen at the antiques. His hair is quite wavy, and there's always that cute curl which refuses to stay in place. But oh, his eyes, his big, innocent, angel-like eyes.... They're beautiful. He's beautiful.

Soon enough, Matthew noticed, seeing the Prussian stare at him in a sort of dream-like state. He has already stopped talking, yet the Prussian never looked away, his ruby red pair staring right into the amethyst purple ones.

The blonde can't help but blush at this state. It was awkward, yet...


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