Obnoxious Americans and Evil Plans

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A/N: late chapter! A lot has been going on, sorry :( I'm not sure I can completely make up for it, although I promise you guys that i haven't lost hope in this story and I intend to finish it...ASAP... if possible :3


Gilbert never doubted himself, ever. He always followed his gut whenever doing anything, and almost never backed out even if he had to in the course of doing things. But today, he did. And now he believes he should never doubt his own judgement, for the Canadian could've kissed him if it wasn't for that slip up. Fuck.

At least he has something to forget about it for a while. Ehem ehem, alcohol.

With an opened beer bottle held in his hand, he groggily walks upstairs and into his American friend's room. He lets himself fall into the soft cushion of the bed, drinking a quarter fill of the bottle. It wasn't as strong as he liked, but it would do.

"Man, that took you long.", started the Dane, who was currently fluffing up Alfred's bean bag for him to jump and land on.

"Eh, I was looking for the beer..."

Gilbert took another swig. He didn't want to talk about what happened downstairs, or even worse: his feelings. Heck, the brother would be listening!

"Or were you looking for something else?", Alfred interrupts, a teensy weeny spawn of the devil smirk forming in his face.

"Kesese! I'm not that horny, damnit."

Please refer to porn, please refer to porn.

"No, no, or perhaps... someone else?"

Nosy, obnoxious, freedom eagle piece of shit.


"It's pretty obvious by now dude, give it up."

"God damnit, no."

"C'mon Gil, we see you and Matthew!", Matthias interjected, the two grinning blondes ganging up on the poor Prussian.

Gilbert sighs, taking another sip from his bottle and not saying a single word.


"Fick dich."

"Don't worry, I won't tell.", Alfred sighs, muttering the last phrase out as he grins at Matthias. "Probably not."


It was a peaceful day today. There were no arguments down the street, no gossips circling around, and nothing real happening around that Alfred has heard of. It was a normal, calm day, and Alfred hated it. It's super boring, and what is life when there's nothing to see, stalk or talk about?

As he walks around the house with no game to play and no fights to listen to, he comes across a certain stack of pancakes laid on the table for breakfast. And Alfred realized:


The American quickly shuffles for his phone, contacting his close Danish friend with wild hair that's impossible to tame. He has a plan, and it's going to be fun.


"Dude, this is Alfred."

"What up?"

"Come to the house, don't tell Gilbert.", Alfred says, smirking. "It's important."

"Um.. How important? Is it more important than buying butter for Nor? He'll kill me if it isn't here by, umm, ten minutes..."

"Ugh, fine. Do that first, and THEN come to the house."

"Yeah, sure! I gotta hurry now, though."

"Kay bye!"


After waiting for what seems like an eternity for the American, the doorbell rings. He stretches and jumps off the weird position he was in on the couch, rushing to the door as 'quickly as possible'.

Just when he about to open the door, the Dane did it before him, and quite harshly for the wood was practically slapped across Alfred's cheek.

"Ah, God... Matthias!", Alfred curses, cupping his poor cheek. "What was that for?"

Matthias stays at the doorstep, trying to remove the hilarious mental image of Alfred's face ruined by a door.


"Ah, nevermind it. Not like it would permanently scar me for life."

"Kay? Anyway... What was that important thing you wanted to tell me and not Gilbert?"

"Let's go upstairs. It's only a secret between you and I and not even my brother can hear this."

And so they race upstairs and to the American's room.

Alfred places first, immediately collapsing onto the bed as he waits for the second placer following behind. They both sit, Matthias clutching on a pillow.

"So, Alfred, what is it?"

"The what?"

"The important thing."

"Oh, right. Don't you think it seems too quiet around here? Like, in the community?"

"Not really..."

"No... I mean, there's nothing different! And it's driving me crazy.."

"I guess? There's really nothing to talk about except for the weather and stuff."

"Exactly!", Alfred grins; he never thought it was that easy getting a message across to his (Norweeaboo) friend. "So we're going to create something to talk about. Eh, maybe just something to do because I'm really fucking bored."


"You know, Gilbert and Matthew. Setting stuff up. Becoming cupid. That stuff."

Hearing this, Matthias perks up, cocking a brow and smirking at the American.

"So what's the plan, Captain?"


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