Unexplained Feelings and Brothers

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Matthew didn't know what has gotten into him. Did his heart just skip a beat? He rarely receives any attention from people, yet this guy looks at him like he's the only thing that matters in the world.

He kind of likes it.

And as the Canadian is flattered, he also is incredibly flustered and hella confused.

What the hell is this feeling?, Matthew thought (prepare for cliche in 3...2...1..); he never felt this way before, and no one ever made his heart jump the way it has. Only this... white haired Prussian with smexy red eyes and a weird laugh, chuckle, whatever.

That's impossible! He totally doesn't have any feelings for Gilbert. He may be charming and hot, but...

Maybe he has a teensy weeny crush on Gilbert. Just a little. He can't fight it; the Prussian is dashing. And through this realization, he snaps back to reality with a blush on his face and the Prussian still staring him on.

"U-Um... Gilbert.."

The Canadian's voice bounces inside Gilbert's ear for a few seconds before he realizes he's staring. Shit!
He jolts up, fixing his posture as he faces the Canadian. Not that he wasn't facing him already.

"Aha, Kesesesese! I, um.. was just observing things and thinking about stuff!"

Observing you.

"Oh", Matthew chuckles lightly, "I kinda do that as well... you know.. space out and wonder..."

Wonder about you.

The Prussian smiles and leans closer to The blonde.

"Guess we have something in common."


After an hour of coffee, conversations and stealing glances, the two leave the cafe, walking side by side to Gilbert's car to get to their homes.

"And Matthias and I grabbed Alfred's clothes and made a run for it", Gilbert shares, grinning as he continues where they left off in the conversation. He gets in the car along with Matthew and buckles up. "Your Bruder chased us butt naked around the place, it was awesome!"

"Wait, really? He never told me about that.."

"Kesese, that's because he's too embarrassed."

Gilbert starts to drive, his eyes on the road as his one hand turns the car radio on and sets it to the sweet tunes of Top 100.

He could've blared the Spice Girls, but... you know... Matthew.


The car stops in front of the Canadian's (and his sibling's) house. Before Matthew gets down, Gilbert smiles at him.

"So, cutie, did you have fun?"

Damn Gilbert, back at it again with the 'cutie'.

"Yeah, I did", Matthew smiles back, unbuckling his seatbelt. "It was nice getting to know each other for once."

Gilbert grins. "Maybe we could do this again sometime, you think?"

The Canadian popped the door open and got out, giving the Prussian a sincere smile before he closes the door.

"That would be great."

Gilbert watches the blonde walk to the doorstep. He waves goodbye before driving back to the home he shares with his younger brother, Ludwig. He couldn't wait to brag to his brother about the 'date'. And the flirting.

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