Keyboard Clacks and Petty Canadians

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Tap tap tap.
tap tap tap tap tap tap.

Matthew sighs, tired of the nonstop keyboard clacks he's been hearing ever since 5:00 PM. He came here to cuddle with Gilbert, not watch him work. He understands it's a big project he's working on, but can't he just have some time for him? Even just a little?

"Gilbertttt...," He moans, his arms laced around the Prussian's neck.  "Can't you take a break for once?"

The albino keeps his eyes fixed on the monitor as he sighs. "Babe... It's important."

"Yeah, but you've been doing that for..," The blonde checks his phone. "Four hours straight."

"The deadline's in two days."

"Y-Yeah, you still have two days! And you called for me to be here. Am I just gonna stare at your screen or something?"

Silence, then a light groan can be heard from the Prussian. "Sorry."

Gritting his teeth, Matthew starts to get frustrated. For four hours all he has been doing is keeping Gilbert company, and he's getting quite bored. Sure, he has his phone, but that's not exactly the reason why he's visited his boyfriend. He wanted to do boyfriend things

"...Can't I have a kiss or something? Anything?"

He desperately waits for something to happen. As seconds pass by, nothing does.

 But as soon as he was about to lose hope he sees the Prussian stand. Gilbert faces his lover and before Matthew can say anything their lips touch, the blonde's brows raising in both surprise and delight. He's been waiting for this for quite a long time, and he finally has it. A kiss. But it was just a kiss, and a very short one. In fact, it was a kiss that lasted only seconds longer than a peck, and the Prussian shortly got back to work.

Asshole, Matthew thought, as he was left feeling disappointed. It was as if he was only a burden to Gilbert, and that made him feel worse. 

"Better?" Gilbert asks.

Matthew didn't want to bother the guy anymore, so he chooses to accept the shitty kiss.

"It's fine."

Over frustration he throws himself on the albino's bed. This concerns Gilbert as he starts to glance at the Canadian.

"Matthew, baby.. Are you mad?"


"Yes you are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

Amidst all of this, Matthew still hears annoying clacks coming from the keyboard. With this he finally... sort of snaps.

"Well, Isn't it obvious?!"


"Ugh." Matthew winces, hiding his face. He may be tearing up a bit, but only a bit.

Only a bit?

Little sniffs and muffled gulps came from the pillow the Canadian hid his face with. Gilbert turns his office chair to face the crying Canadian, his face softening up a bit.

"..Are you crying?"

"I-It's just that.."

"Just that what, babe..?"

"All you're doing is work a-and it's as if you don't care about me anymore.. Y-You didn't even have time for a kiss, and," Matthew peeks from his pillow. His eyes are red and glossy, and all the more when he spots something to his annoyance. "Y-Your hand's still on the mouse! I'm being a burden to you, aren't I? Work's more important than me, n-now?"

Gilbert knots his brows. What does his hand being on the mouse have to do with his boyfriend being a burden? That's just petty. But it's kinda cute. But he can't flirt out of this because the poor thing's being serious and sad. He sighs, leaning towards Matthew.

"Babe, calm down."

"I can't calm down!"

" Nothing's more important to me than you, and there was never a time I didn't care about you. Remember the time I ditched a gig just to accompany your ass to the groceries?"

"Y-Yes," Matthew sniffs.

"There's something important I need to do today. And you're not a burden, okay? I love your company. I love you."

This seems to have silenced the Canadian, as no more sniffs can be heard from him.

"..I love you too, but.."

"But what?"

"Your hand is on the mouse. It means you aren't fully focused on me and you're just saying that to rush this and continue that work of yours."

What the actual fuck, Gilbert thinks. How does he even come up with this? 

Before Gilbert can make sense of what Matthew just said the Canadian stomps out of the room.

"H-Hey, Matthew baby! Can't we--"

The door slams, and Gilbert sits there, the only light illuminating his dark room being the one thing Matthew has started to resent-- The monitor screen.

 So much for keeping his Liebeling happy.  

If only Matthew knew how much effort was being put into his birthday... which is five months from now.   Every cent, just for the apartment.

 The Canadian better love him for this.

A/N: It's a.. kinda short chapter


shorter than average at least, but there will be longer ones♥! 

I have a haiku for u guys:

if u are like me

disgrace to the pahmihree

then lol i like u ♥


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