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The morning was a peaceful one, just now it always started. Like peace before the storm. And Connor was "the storm". He didn't mean to be an ass, but when people fucked with him, he couldn't stop himself.

He tried not to. But that never went well for him. He was convinced that his family hated him, and wanted him gone. He had to pretend that he didn't care. He had to pretend that he was okay.

He was sick and tired of pretending.

Connor thought his family would listen. He hoped they would.

But he was wrong.

On a Sunday evening, once everyone in the Murphy household was home, Connor asked them to meet him in the living room, to discuss something important.

"Alright Connor, you have our attention," Cynthia said, turning her attention to Connor.

"This better be important.." Zoe crossed her arms.

Connor gazed at them, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm gay. I don't like girls, I've always had these.. Feelings, for guys my age. But that's not it; I.. I also have depression..."

They stared at him for a second, like they couldn't believe him. Finally, Larry asked him, "Is this some kind of joke?"

Connor stared at Larry. "What?"

"How dare you make a joke out of this! There are people who suffer from this, Connor!" Larry snapped at him.

Zoe rolled her eyes, "Why didn't I expect this from him? He's probably high."

"I am NOT high!!!" Connor yelled at his sister.

Cynthia stood up, "Connor, please don't yell at your sister."

Connor scoffed at her, "Don't tell me you're taking their side!"

"I'm just trying to keep this civil, Connor. I don't want this family to be broken!" Cynthia told him.

"Oh, so that's how you see me? As the reason why this family is so fucked up?! Like I'm the puzzle piece that'll never fit in with the rest, and is just thrown aside! Is THAT how you see me?!" Connor screamed, his temper boiling through the roof.

"I never said that! Connor please, calm down.." Cynthia frowned, taking a step forward towards her son, before Larry grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back, muttering a soft, "Don't even bother with him."

"No!!! FUCK YOU!!! Wait, you know what? Fuck ALL OF YOU!!!" Connor bellowed, dashing up the stairs, into his room, afterwards slamming the door hard behind him.

"What are we gonna do with him..?" Cynthia started to cry into her husbands shoulder.

Larry rubbed her back, "I wish I knew, honey.."

In the depths of Connor's room, the smell of cigarettes stained the very air, one being lit after the other, as if they were like a blanket; a blanket of smoke and fog that only eased pain for mere moments.

"Fucking assholes... Who do they know?" Connor asked, his eyes red as he took a whiff from the cigar in his hand.

It helped him cope with this all, in a way. At first he cried, then he was angry, then he was smoking pot, again. Connor knew it wasn't good for him, but he didn't care. He meant every word he said.

"I don't need anyone... I'm just fine on my own," Connor brought the joint to his lips, and inhaled the fumes once more, as the night passed by.

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