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"You dropped your pen." I heard him whisper, right in the middle of another boring lecture in Ms. Torres's class. His voice was husky and gave me chills in the back of my neck. He finally spoke to me. He sat behind me today, and I hadn't been able to concentrate. All these questions were pooled in my head. There were so many things I wanted to ask him about that night he came to my house with the crazy look on his face, and why he acted like I didn't even exist anymore.

But as soon as I turned to find his indifferent brown stare, my mind scrambled, and all that came out was a mumbled "Thanks." I grabbed the pen and he leaned back in his chair, not sparing me another look. I turned back around. His eyes seemed like they held nothing, no recognition or care. It was as if we were strangers. Why was he acting like this?

When the bell rang, he was the first one out. I hesitated, tapping my foot on the ground impatiently before standing up and following him out the door. He was a fast walker. I caught up to him and asked before I could change my mind, "Nick, about the other night-"

"Can you make it quick?" He said, barely glancing at me as we reached his locker, Nick shoved a couple books in. "I have somewhere I have to be." I stood there clutching my History book to my chest, unable to think of what to say. I didn't understand.

A girl came up behind Nick and slithered her skinny arms around him before I could answer.  "Can we leave already?" She smiled and titled her head at him. "You promised you'd show me how to surf." Nick turned to me.

"So?" He asked, impatient. I shook my head, feeling pathetic and small.

"Never mind." I mumbled and turned. I could feel his stare linger on me as I walked away shamefully. I didn't turn back this time.


There was nothing artsy or unique about my sketches. Some might say they were childish, even. But I guessed boredom brought out the doodling child in me.

I had a free period and was sitting on the benches next to the football field. I'd already finished my homework, and I really wasn't the type to spend hours texting on my phone. So I scribbled. A flower, then a small shaded butterfly in the margin appeared as I traced the blank page on my notebook. Twenty minutes later, I was so concentrated on shading that one stubborn petal I almost didn't notice some senior boys walk across the field for P.E.

I squinted and recognized a few classmates, Jacob, and Alex. Alex turned and caught my eye, waving with a big grin. I swore not a day went by where Alex didn't flash that perfect smile of his. Maybe that's how he kept all the cute girls on their toes around him. I waved back and went back to my scribbling.

The coach's whistle blew, breaking off my concentration. I sighed and set my notebook aside, crossing my legs in front of me. I watched as Jacob laughed about something with one of his friends and turned towards me. It took a moment for me to shy away from his gaze. He walked towards me, slinging a towel over his neck and ruffled his black hair. "You know, if you came to watch me play, you could have been more discreet about it."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "You wish. I had a free period and this place was empty, until you guys came along and messed with my concentration."

"So you're saying I'm a distraction?"

"I'm saying the occasional grunts and shouts when all of you play are a distraction."

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