Faking It

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"Dude, you look so hot in that, seriously." I sighed heavily as I stood in front of the mirror just outside the changing room, blowing a strand of dark hair from my face. My sorry excuse of a messy bun  kept falling apart.

The boutique was nearly empty except for Camila and I and a few younger girls. She had handed me a casual, skinny white dress with thin straps. It hugged my slight curves and fit comfortably on my waist. But as I glanced upwards, the cleavage showcasing my small 34b chest, and the shortness of the dress made me queasy.

It didn't look right, and I knew I would feel extremely uncomfortable actually wearing that to the bonfire tomorrow night.

"I don't know, Cami. This doesn't really feel like me." I turned around to look at her and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear as I bit my lip, but she was too busy rummaging through a rack of cute shirts to pay any attention.

"Okay, sure, whatever." She said back at me, not glancing my way. I rolled my eyes at her dismissiveness, but not actually bothered by it.

I didn't mind when she suddenly spaced out, it made me feel better when I didn't respond to everything she said.

I was about to turn back to the dressing room when two girls walked in to the store, one tapping away on her phone. I looked over to Cami to see she had looked up as well, a look of terror spread across her face. I frowned in confusion and turned back towards the girls. Surprisingly, the blonde, short one was looking Cami's way, she whispered something to the girl with the short, curly black hair. They both smiled and strutted towards us. As they got closer, I could see their faces in more detail.

The blonde girl was very pretty. No, she was beautiful. She had perfect toned legs and her hips swayed as she walked confidently towards us. Long, curly locks were full of volume, fluttering wildly in the wind. She showcased a face of full makeup, perfect contour and eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man. I had to resist the urge to look in the mirror at my almost makeup-free face.

The other girl was shorter, with a straight bob framing her flawless, dark skin. She had curves in all the right places. Plump lips made her face even prettier.

"Camila! Hi. I didn't know you worked here." The blonde one said with a huge grin on her face, showing off her big smile. I was just standing there uncomfortably as I watched Cami turn bright red, but not of embarrasment.

No, it looked more like anger. Why was she so mad? It would be awesome to work here.

"That's probably because I don't, Emily." She crossed her arms and nearly rolled her eyes.

"Wait, so... you're shopping here?" She said, potuing and a confused look on her face. "I thought you wouldn't be able to afford it, you know, with your situation." She said in a hushed tone, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"If you ever need to borrow some money or anything, just don't hesitate to ask, alright? I mean, we're friends."

She reached out and touched Cami's arm, the fake sympathy in her voice made me want to gag. It was really getting on my nerves, but I guess I couldn't judge. I was hiding behind fake smiles and fake emotions for a while now.

Cami had looked down at the floor in defeat and just shook her head.

"Whatever, Emily." There was an uncomfortable silence for a second as I debated whether or not to say something. I wasn't sure what was going on exactly, so I stayed quiet.

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