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An hour after Sophie made me come along to the fight, I was starting to enjoy it. Even though the fight hadn't started yet, the music was loud and the place was dark except for the occasional flashing lights. Sophie and I were dancing, drinks in hand, with a friend of hers. Sophie was on her fourth cup of whatever it was she was drinking, and she was starting to get a little crazy.

"Hey, Soph!" I screamed over the heavy music. "I really think you should get back home. You're getting a little tipsy."

She laughed, flashing a smile. "I'm not drunk, besides, I'm having so much fun." She slurred her words a little, but she didn't seem too bad. "If you want to leave, I can tell Mandy to take you back. She's soo nice. You guys are like sisters to each other now, anyways."

I shook my head. "I don't even know her, Soph." I laughed. She whipped her hair around and went out to dance again.

I sighed and placed my lonely cup on the table. Many came up to me. I met her just now, but she was always a good friend of Sophie's. She seemed really nice. "Hey, don't worry about her. I know how she can get sometimes, but you know with that stuff about her mom and all..." she trailed off. "I'll get her home safe." She assured me and went off to dance.

"Why aren't you dancing?" I heard someone say from behind me. Probably Roscoe. I didn't bother turning to him.

"Not in the mood."

I felt him reach behind me and placed his hand around my waist. "What's got a beautiful girl like you in such a bad mood, then?" I rolled my eyes and swatted his hands away as I turned to the guy, ready to tell him to back off. My words caught in my throat as soon as I saw Jacob staring down at me with an amused smile.

"Jacob?" I asked, grinning. It took me a couple seconds to adjust to the sight of him after a couple weeks without seeing him. "You're back."

"I am." He mirrored my expression. I'd forgotten how dark his eyes were. "And I intend on keeping my promise of taking you out again." I chuckled awkwardly, suddenly feeling nervous. Why was I like this?

"That was fast."

"I don't like beating around the bush. I know what I want." He said into my ear over the loud music. "Come on, let's do something."

"Right now?" I asked. He nodded. "I would, but I really have to get home. My mom's getting worried about me. Maybe some other day." I said and set aside my own cup.

"Alright, I can take you if you want."

"That's okay, I'll just get an Uber." I waved him off and shrugged.

"Sam, I'm not letting you get an Uber back home. Come on, I'm leaving too anyways." He said and leaned in. I bit my lip and looked around for Sophie. When I found her no longer drinking, I breathed out.

But my eyes trailed behind Sophie, to my surprise landing on Nick. He was sitting on a leather sofa, drink in hand, with a girl all over him. But he wasn't looking at her, he hadn't seen me either. He tensed up and was looking straight at something. Nick narrowed his eyes and stood up, walking straight ahead with a determined pace. I wanted to go over and ask him what was wrong, but Jacob pulled on my hand to lead me out, and I lost sight of him when I tried to sneak a glance back.


I'll be back soon, late work night again. Love you! - Mom, the post-it note stuck to the fridge read. I opened it, searching for a snack to ease my hunger. I was halfway through pouring a glass of orange juice when I heard three knocks on the door. I groaned. I've told my mom a million times the spare key was in the potted plant.

I closed the fridge before answering the door, my mind trailing off to Jacob and the promise he made to take me out again.

I took my half full glass of orange juice with me as I opened the door. My heart skipped a beat and I was speechless. He was looking at the ground with a hand on the door frame until I opened the door, then turned his gaze to me. It took a second for me to realize the uneasy, wide brown eyes that stared back at me from behind the door belonged to Nick. He didn't say a word, just looked back at me with a strange relief suddenly flooding his eyes.

"Nick," My heart started to beat faster and I shivered from the draft coming in throught the door. "What are you doing here?" His hair was a little messed up and I remembered the look on his face just a few hours ago.

"Why were you there again?" He asked me, a cold edge to his voice. His jaw was hard-set and clenched.

"What- Come in, it's freezing outside." He shook his head and even took half a step back. He looked shaken. What happened? "Nick, what's going on?"

"You can't go back there, Sam."


"Promise me, Sammi." He said as he got a hold of my arm, frantic. His grip was tight, pleading.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." I said and yanked my arm back from his grip.

"Just trust me."

"I don't."

He grimaced and nearly rolled his eyes. "Fine. But you owe me a favor, remember?" I did. He lent me his jacket that day at school, and he said I'd owe him a favor later on.

"Sure, I guess."

"Good. I'm using it. Don't go back there."

"Listen, I won't tell anyone about the boxing thing, I was just joking-"

"I don't care, Sam." He snapped and raised his eyebrows at me, asking me to accept. I was confused, grasping at the empty air for answers. What didn't he want me to see? Some other dark secret of his?

"Fine. But tell me why."

He seemed like he was about to speak, something shifted in his eyes. Until he blinked and it was gone. He just ran a hand through his hair, turned and left.

I slowly shut the front door and walked back to my room. My thoughts were scattered. What are you hiding?

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