Slip Away

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Caleb hopped onto the ring as soon as Billy dizzily staggered out of the ring with someone holding him steady. I stood up straighter, the crowd cheered. But I'd taken a pretty bad beating, too.

A bruise under my eye was swelling up, my left shoulder was probably dislocated and I was pretty sure a molar or two were loose.

But I was on a victory high. Every ounce of pain was masked.

I left the ring, people who had wagered on me cheering, going to take the money they won on me. The rest were already betting on the next pair of fighters of the night.

I cut through the crowd of leather jackets and drunks. By this point, the adrenaline was starting to wear off and my shoulder felt like shit. I ordered a drink from the bar and sat down on the stool. The fight was already starting and the thud of punches connecting fueled the crowd.

I threw back the drink, asked for another one. There were rarely any people here to bandage up the fighters. The medicine here was the alcohol. It soothed even the rawest pain.

As I downed the next shot, a girl appeared out of the corner of my eye. She sat next to me and ordered a drink for herself. The girl searched for something in her bag and pulled out a pack of cigarrettes. "Do you have a light?" A thick Russian accent came from the girl's mouth, and I turned to her. Long black hair pulled back and brown eyes framed her face. Even without the accent, she looked like she wasn't from around here.

I took out the lighter in my pocket and flicked it on. She looked at me while she lit her cigarrette. "I've seen you lately, up there in the ring. You're not too bad."

"Not too bad?" I cocked my head and looked at her. "You're underestimating me."

"Maybe you can convince me otherwise." She teased. I came closer until our faces were inches apart. I knew what she was looking for. Just like many girls I've met here.

She challenged me again, parting her full lips open a little. Inviting me in. She closed her eyes and I leaned in. "Maybe some other time." I whispered in her ear and walked past, downing the third shot before leaving.

I got about half a block away on my motorcycle before the flashing lights and sirens of a police car turned on from behind me. With a sigh, I took my helmet off and killed the engine as the cop got out of his car. A young fidgeting guy came up to me. I nearly laughed, he barely filled out his uniform. "You were going pretty fast just right now."

"Not fast enough, apparently." I muttered to myself. If he heard, he didn't show it.

"Have you had anything to drink tonight?" He squinted and shifted in his uniform. Yep, he was definitely a rookie.

"No, but I could sure use one now." I wasn't drunk, but I probably shouldn't have said that anyways.

The officer flushed and huffed. "Alright, buddy, you're coming with me." By the time he said the last word, my engine was already revving and my helmet was on.

I laughed at his startled look when he told me to stay put and scramble around. "Race you to the station, Sparky." I took off, the officer yelled at me, but I was already gone. He wasn't going to come after me.

"Woah, little brother, where do you think you're going?" I blocked the entrance and crossed my arms. He had his car keys in hand and it was nearly twelve am. Where the heck was he going?

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