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I had a lot on my mind that night.

Maybe that was why I was focusing more on the drink in my hand than the girl in front of me. "Aren't you fighting tonight?" She asked, her short blond hair barely moving as she eased back on the couch next to me. She ran her fingers along my chest as she spoke, gazing up at me.

I shook my head. "A friend is. We're going out someplace else after." The loud music made the whole place pulse and vibrate with the beat. The wall of smoke and crowd of people drinking and dancing was getting too thick. I didn't even want to be here, I just didn't want to be at home. I couldn't stand watching that guy with his arm around my mom all day, kissing her and holding her. At least the days they were actually home. He had her wrapped around his finger.

"Take me with you. I want to get to know all your friends." She slung her arm over my neck and beamed at me. It was so obvious what she wanted. I finally turned to look at her, her face satisfied because she caught my attention.

"Or maybe I'll just take you with me somewhere else, alone." I whispered in her ear and looked down at her lips. She sucked in a breath when I got close to her neck, she didn't take her hand off mine the entire time.

"Just tell me when." She kissed my cheek and reached for my glass, giggling and taking a sip. The bell rang, signaling the start of the fight. Roscoe came out from one side, another guy I didn't know from the other. I grimaced. After what he said to Sam a few weeks ago in the cafeteria... let's just say I had no problem breaking his face that night when it was our turn to fight. He hasn't talked to me since I broke his nose. I couldn't care less.

I was about to leave with the blond girl, but something caught my eye. A flicker, a movement in the crowd. Maybe I imagined it. My eyes scanned the sea of people until I finally saw that familiar blue cap. It was there. I was sure now. James. I straightened up, my mind racing. What was he doing here?

"Nick baby, can we go now?" She whimpered. I untangled her hands from around my hair and neck and stood up, eyes narrowly fixed on the blue cap. He ordered a drink, fidgeting nervously and downed it all. I stood in place, eyes darting around.

My eyes landed on two more guys sorrounding the crowd, eyes searching the people for something. Someone. They were here.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked. I walked closer to James, but he was already fading behind the crowd, walking quickly. He wasn't getting away. I cut through the people shouting and cheering at the two while punches were being thrown. I caught up to him, grabbed him by his jacket and yanked him back behind a wall. He was ready to let out a punch, but his face fell and fists unclenched when he saw it was me.

"Nick?" He asked, wide eyed.

I didn't let go of his jacket, clenching it tighter instead. "What are you doing here?"

"I- I just came by to see the fight and-"

"Bullshit, James! Don't fucking lie to me. Why are you all here?"

"Shit, man." James seemed to debate with himself and grimaced, running a hand through his hair. "You don't know what you got yourself into." He sighed. "They're looking for you Nick."

I let him go and crossed my arms. I should've known. "You messed up big time. What the hell were you thinking, going in there almost punching Terence to death?"

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