One of Those Days

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"You're... stepbrothers?"

Is it possible that the sweetest guy and the rudest, most conceited guy were step-brothers? At least they weren't related. I wouldn't have bought it if Alex told me they were actual brothers. They were way too different for that, from what I could tell. Both in personality and looks. Then again, I barely knew either of the two.

I didn't really need to know them to know who the nicest one was, though.

Alex gave me a sheepish grin, cute dimples forming on his cheeks.

"I'm embarrassed to admit it, but yeah."

I laughed, although I was kind of afraid of how he would react to me telling him how much I disliked Nick.

The crowd at the bonfire was starting to thin, and the night seemed to get darker. I panicked, wondering where the hell Camila had gone.

I looked over Alex's shoulder and looked at the spot where I had last seen her. Her silhouette, along with the guy, had disappeared. Where did she go? Did she leave me behind? What if he took her against her will? Oh my god.

I started getting short of breath, dizziness sorrounded me slowly. No no no. Not here, not in front of so many people. Alex studied my face and narrowed his eyes at me, probably wondering why I looked so weird. This was too embarrassing. I turned around from his view and tried to control my breaths as I'd practiced, cracking my knuckles unconsciously.

"Sam?... Everything okay?" A warm voice asked gently.

Alex walked in front of me and eyed me carefully, trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. It's just- Have you seen Cami anywhere? Did she leave?" I asked, nearly panting, light headed. I needed to know where she was. Did she leave me?

I lowered my eyes, but his gaze never left me. I wished he would stop staring at me like I was some freak. I shouldn't have come here.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure she didn't leave you. Try calling her maybe?"

Ugh. He must have thought I was crazy. Try to control yourself, damn it.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll text her." I said, calmer this time, and took my phone out of my back pocket, still too ashamed to look Alex in the eye.

Samantha: Cami where are you??? I've been looking everywhere

I stared at my phone for a few seconds, willing a text to appear saying she was right here. My phone vibrated and I opened the message anxiously.

Cami: Sam!!! I'm so sorry lol this super hot guy gave me a ride. I'll tell u about it later haha see u monday

My eyes looked over the text many times, trying to grasp what she was saying. She left. She really left me alone. I felt anger and confusion surge through me. And then panic. How would I get home? Most of the people had gone home by now, and it's not like I would ask anyone to drive me home. There was Alex, but I had already embarrassed myself enough.

I couldn't even bring myself to answer her text.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asked yet again as my eyes were peeled off the screen to stare directly at him. His eyes were caring and genuine, and also a little freaked out.

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