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I went to sleep that night with jumbled thoughts on my mind. I thought of Jacob, the boy who lost his dad, forced to find some way to earn the money his mom couldn't in a way that wasn't what he deserved.

And I thought of the other boy. The one who started even younger, getting beaten up by older kids, making his way up by himself. And the wedge that somehow drew the two boys apart.

But something kept bugging me about that. Jacob, I understood. I knew the reason behind why he did that. But with Nick, it made no sense. He had money, he had practically everything. Why would someone so young be fighting for money at an illegal, underground boxing place? Maybe it was because he liked to see blood shed, liked the feel of adrenaline in his body when his fist connected with someone.

But maybe there were hidden reasons, dug deep in his mind, reasons that no one but him knew about.


The pillow vibrated from beneath me, and my eyes fluttered open. Eyelids heavy with sleep and with a groggy mind, I ignored it and began dozing off.

Until it happened again. I stuck my hand beneath the pillow in one lazy motion and held my cellphone in my hand. The light turned on and I blinked a few times. I noticed two things as soon as my eyes adjusted; 8:56. Two new messages from Jacob.

Hey Sam, I had a great time last night.

I hope I can take you out again when I'm back from Sacramento.

After dinner, he had taken me back to my house. He told me I looked pretty and he was glad I came. I said I was glad I came, too. He told me he was going to Sacramento a few days with his uncle. He didn't say why. Then his face inched closer to mine. Closer. I panicked and turned away. It was too soon. Too soon. He said good night, smiled, and he drove away.

I answered back a quick text, turned off the screen and placed it on the night stand, thinking for just one second what it would feel like for Jacob to kiss me.


Monday morning came too fast, and before I knew it, I was walking down the halls full of the same people as always. Kelly, a girl with long platinum locks from my English class who was always smiling or laughing waved to me as I passed by. I waved back and walked until I reached my locker.

I stuffed the notebook and two books I needed for first period and blew a strand of hair out of my face. Calculus with Mr. Saywer first thing in the morning wasn't exactly starting the week off well.

"Sam!" I turned to Sophie's voice from behind the hall and saw her waving at me. I smiled back. My eyes trailed her walking over to my locker, but a guy passed in front of her, blocking my view.

It took less than an instant for me to recognize him; I would know those blond curls anywhere. My smile vanished, his grew. My eyes stuck to him, and I grimaced as he passed by with two of his friends trailing behind him. I couldn't help but notice a black eye on his face. "The offer's still on the table, Sam." Roscoe winked at me as his friends cheered him on and snickered. "Man, you like them crazy." One of them muttered.

I whipped around and faced my locker, almost sticking my head in. My heartbeat skyrocketed; I felt it against my ribcage, but it was as though I could hear it in my head. Every sound was drowned out until it was just me and my pulse. Breathe in. Out. I closed my eyes, trying to gain control of myself, or at least my quivering hands again before anyone noticed.

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