Missed Call

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"You have a what with who, now?" Sophie blinked.

"Shh, keep your voice down." I scoured the cafeteria to make sure no one had overheard. I popped a french fry from Sophie's tray into my mouth.

"Well, it's about damn time he asked you out. I mean come on, literally everyone but you two could see something's been going on between you." I scrunched my eyebrows. Did everyone really notice? "So, what are you going to do about the... situation?" She asked in a hushed voice.

I sighed, the anxious jolts coursing through my body as I remembered my encounter with Jacob at the party. "I don't know what I should do, Soph."

"Okay, but you kind of need to do something about this. Jacob was pretty clear that night that you had to make up your mind. And honestly, he has a point. The dude has been chasing after you since day one. So if you go on this date with Nick..." she trailed off.

"I'll lose Jacob." I completed. I peeked over Sophie's shoulder to look at the table he usually sat at with his friends. He was laughing at something one of them said, his black hair combed back away from his face, his rugged shoulders moving as he shook with easy laughter. I felt a pinch in my stomach.

I'd be lying if I said I had no feelings at all towards Jacob. He was sweet and kind and patient. But with Nick... just the thought of him was enough to send my heart racing. It scared me the way all my feelings seemed heightened whenever he was around me. But I just knew there was something between us, and my mind and heart would remain restless if I didn't at least give myself a chance to try and understand exactly what it was.

"So, what's it going to be?"

"Nick," I said simply. "It's Nick."

Sophie flashed a knowing smile, like she knew what I would say. "Okay. You have to tell Jacob then, before you go on that date."

"I will. Soon." I cracked my knuckles and gulped. The thought of talking to him about this terrified me. I hated that I'd have to shoot him down and hurt his feelings. I just hoped I wasn't making a big mistake.

"When's the date, anyway?"

"He went away for like two weeks to visit a cousin of his, so probably when he gets back." I shrugged, the nerves of seeing him again shooting through my body.

"He's going to miss two weeks of school to visit his cousin? He barely shows up to class. At this point, I'd be less surprised to see Emily graduate." She snickered. "Where'd he go?"

"He said Silin Heights, I think?"

"Cool, I have some from friends up there, actually. It's just a couple of hours away." Sophie took a sip from her coke. "I used to go up there all the time on weekends with Emily and the rest." My eyebrow shot up. "We were best friends once upon a time, remember?" She made a gagging sound and I chuckled.

"Anyway, that town is like drug party central. It's kind of a run-down place, but the partying is insane." Oh. Insane parties, drugs? My mind wandered into what exactly Nick would be doing there. "You know, now that I think about it, it's weird 'cause we would all go up there but Nick always said he couldn't for some reason."

"Oh. That is weird." Sophie's eyes went wide and she smiled devilishly.

"I'll call a few friends, see if anyone knows him."

"No way, Soph-"

"Oh, come on, let's find out what he's doing there. I have amazing detective skills."

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