Day One

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Two weeks later...

'We're outside. Ready?'

I shot back a quick text to Alex, then threw my phone into my duffel bag along with a couple of bikinis and coverups I had sprawled out across my bedroom. Bri had warned me not to wait until the last day to start packing, and now I had no idea what clothes I was even packing for the almost week-long trip. I huffed. Oh, well, she'd probably packed enough for a month. Hopefully, she could lend me whatever I'd inevitably forgotten.

I zipped up the duffel bag, and placed my sunglasses on my head, holding back my freshly washed damp hair. "Mom!" I yelled as I hauled the duffel bag down the stairs. "I'm leav-" I frowned. The front door was open. I groaned as I walked out into the driveway, hearing my mom's giggles as she chatted with the boys. This was going to be embarrassing.

Alex stood in front of the driver's seat, blond locks of hair bouncing as he laughed at something along with my mom. Nick stood watching with a slight grin next to him, his hands in the pockets of his shorts, and Ben was asleep, cap covering his face, in the backseat of the convertible.

"Sam," Alex greeted as they saw me. "What took you so long?"

"Jeez, you texted me like a minute ago."

"Here," Nick smiled amusedly as he took his hands out of his pockets, walking towards me. "Let me get that." When he leaned in to get my bag, I caught a whiff of his cologne, the smell of musk and citrus lingering in the air.

I smiled faintly. "Thanks."

"Such a gentleman." My mom murmured into my ear as Nick loaded the duffel bag into the trunk. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, we should get going." I declared before she said anything embarrassing. I hugged her goodbye, eager to get on the road. "Bye, mom. I'll text when I get there."

"Oh, have fun, you guys!" She hugged me tightly, then turned to Alex and Nick as they climbed into the car. "And you two, listen up." She suddenly turned serious, nodding her finger between Nick and Alex. "Take care of my girl, alright? The only reason I'm letting her go is because you two boys are there to watch over her."

"Oh, my God, mom." I chuckled awkwardly and shook my head.

Alex beamed at her. "We won't let her out of our sight, Ms. Rosewood."

"You have our word." Nick completed with a sly grin, climbing into the front seat next to Alex. And with that, we got on the road.


I shielded my eyes from the blazing sun as I walked to the shoreline, feeling the warm sand beneath my bare feet. The scene before me was a whirlwind of activity, filled with people from different schools enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. It was a little overwhelming if I was being honest. I'd pictured just a few quiet days of relaxing and tanning. But everyone seemed to be having fun. Maybe I needed to relax and have fun, too.

The hotel was beautiful, after all. The lobby exuded a laid-back coastal charm. Nautical-inspired decor adorned the walls, with driftwood accents and beach-themed artwork adding a touch of seaside whimsy. The rooms were cozy and fresh, with sunlight streaming through big windows and a beautiful view of the ocean. And the best part of it all was it was only a few steps to get to the beach.

The drive down here passed by in a flash between Alex and Ben's constant bickering over who should be in charge of music. According to Ben, Alex had the music taste of a twelve-year old girl, while Alex rebutted that Ben had no music taste at all. Nick didn't seem to care much. In fact, he didn't say much of anything on the way here; he just smiled at their dispute, his gaze lost on the ocean scenery as we drove.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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