The Leather Jacket

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I woke to the smell of leather, soap and a faint scent of cologne. Hints of daylight streamed in through the curtains as my eyelids fluttered open.

The smell was sort of intoxicating in a good way. My whole mind was blocked when I woke, so when I looked down at the leather jacket wrapped around me, I was confused for a second before last night's memory crawled back in. I'd fallen asleep in Nick's leather jacket which was a little big on me.

I smiled to myself as I remembered.

"Sammi, you can stop trying to squeeze the life out of me now." He said over his shoulder to me with a half smile as soon as we pulled up to my street. My arms were around Nick as I held on for dear life. The ride here was terrifying and I had to shut my eyes to keep from screaming. But, it was also strangely exciting. The sharp adrenaline that coursed through me when the wind tugged at my dress and hair as I clinged on to Nick was something I'd never felt before.

I could feel the strength in his abs as my hands slowly slithered away from around him. Could he tell I was a little shaken?

"Thanks." I said as I studied the boy in front of me. He didn't reply but his eyes wavered on me, like he was studying me. He was different, an arrogant jerk sometimes maybe. But there was something more hidden between what he showed. I was starting to catch glimpses of it, maybe from some fragment reflected back in his brown eyes.

Before I walked into my house, I turned around, remembering the leather jacket that kept me warm. I was about to shrug it off when he revved the engine, ready to peel off. "Wait! Your jacket."

He shook his head, smirking. "Keep it."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Really? After all the trouble you've given me for wearing it these past times?" I'd taken a strange liking to this jacket by now and I smiled.

He tilted his head at me and crossed his arms over the motorcycle, leaning into it. "Come on Sammi, we both know you'd just find another way to take it from me again later."

He chuckled. "Besides," he revved the engine. "Looks good on you."

"'Just go away." I covered my head with my pillow. He had left me alone through the weekend, but now it was Monday, and our little bet hadn't slipped his mind.

"I would, but I never lose a bet, Sam." I heard his smug voice and knew it was probably true. "But I guess you're giving up, doesn't surprise me." I heard his footsteps farther away.

"Screw you." I groaned into my pillow.

"Maybe if you say please."

I gathered my hair into a loose ponytail as I closed the door behind me. I wasn't a quitter. And I sure as hell wasn't going to lose this bet, but I was starting to regret ever accepting to it.

"Hey, thanks for embarrassing me the other day." I could still remember how he shoved Lance onto the table, and when he threw me into the pool. My aunt made sure to tell my mother I wasn't going to be invited back there again. Somehow, they thought I had something to do with the party turning into fights and people jumping in pools.

"It's always a pleasure, Sam." He passed me, and once again, I had to push myself to not be left behind by him.

This time, I was grateful when he led me to the mountain. My feet were used to paving this trail, and the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement was satisfying. I ran faster, eventually reaching just behind Nick. I passed him as soon as we reached the top and turned back to him to brag, but I felt my ankle roll and my foot turn inward, joined by a tear. A sharp pain swept through my ankle as I hit the ground on my butt and yelped.

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