{Ch.33~I Like Mike}

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*I'm writing this while I am beyond pissed at my Aunt so I'm sorry

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*I'm writing this while I am beyond pissed at my Aunt so I'm sorry.

       I don't exactly know why I did it, he was important to me and I felt as if I needed to do it. As this month has went on I realized that there were two people who haven't totally given up on me besides my mom— Stan and Mike. I haven't seen much of anyone else besides at school. Of course we had our classes together but I had turned into a ghost to them. An entity that was of the unknown— a figment of something beyond imagination that traveled within the stars...Richie and I used to watch the stars.

       "You really think that this is a good idea, Ri?" Stan asked as we got to the section of the sidewalk where we would part ways. I was on the back of his bike. He had adapted the nickname 'Ri' for me. I liked it, it sounded pretty when you thought about it with my name, like some princess.

         "No, I'm not sure at all, but I've got nothing to loose." I looked at him as I stepped off of his bike. He nodded and furrowed his brows.

        I started off down the sidewalk before I was called back, "excuse you, aren't you forgetting something?" I rolled y eyes at the boy before trudging back towards him.

        I walked into his open arms and rested my chin on his shoulder l, he did the same. We always had these meaningful hugs right before we separated from one another it was like a 'please stay alive' kid of hug. We're really try to keep each others feet on the ground.

       I started off my way towards the address that Stan had given me. I thought a lot on my way to the Hanlon residence. Had Mike spoken to any of the others? Had they spoken bad upon my name to him? What did he think of me? What did I think of him?

       I finally reached a house, it was small and didn't look like much, but it never needed to be. I liked it, it was small, I liked small houses.

       I knocked on the door, it was a little while before someone jumped from around the side of the house, scaring the birches off of me, "Mike, don't do that!" I put my hand over my pounding heart.

       The boy laughed as he wiped oil from his hands and used his shirt as a face towel— dirtying the white.

       "So, what have you been doing all of this time?" I asked as I walked over to him, he lead me to a barn where we walked through to see a tractor on cinder blocks.

       "Tractor broke down, my Grandpa went into town to see if he can get any parts, I've been seeing what I can do here." He said as he got on the ground once again and began to examine the parts.

      "Ooo, strong-man-Mike, going to save the day." I laughed at him, his voice sounded restrained.

        "You can go play with the piglets, I'll finish up here and we can meet up." He dismissed me, I smiled softly at him and watched how he worked, I was intrigued.

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now