{Ch.25~The Popular Loser.}

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        I couldn't believe it, I couldn't understand it, I didn't want to

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        I couldn't believe it, I couldn't understand it, I didn't want to. I didn't want the situation to eve exist.

       "Y-you're Arrietty Mulligan. We've been best friends since middle school." She sobbed.

        "We were never friends, and middle school was only 3 months ago." I said to the girl as I tried to cut corners in the hallway.

       Peggy Berch. We all know her and hate her, she came sobbing to me early this morning at my doorstep. I had to tell Riche to not pick me up this morning when she barged into my house, almost waking up my mother.

       She followed me from my house all the way to school. She kept saying something about how she was 'oh-so upset her boyfriend left her' and how I 'owed it to her for bringing attention to me in middle school'—oh something about 'I need a shoulder to cry one even if it was broad and muscular like yours'.

       I tried to do everything to avoid her, nothing worked. Well, one thing worked, this morning when I had to call Richie she seemed out of it, like she couldn't be in the same room as me when we spoke.

        "If you don't mind, Peggy, I have a class to get to." I said as I looked at my—Eddie's wrist watch—I stole it once while I helped him sneak out of his room.

       "I'll see you after class, Bestie!" She waved before scampering off around the corner. I sighed and relaxed my shoulders greatly. I sighed and looked at the watch again—3 minutes until the bell. I had to jog to my locker, attempting to hold my books correctly while doing so. When I got there I flashed a smile to Chase as he was leaving and hurried to open my lockers.

"You're talking to Peggy again?" Anna asked as she walked up on me. If I'm being honest it scared the shit out of me, I didn't even hear her walk up.

"No, why?" I furrowed my brows and shoved my books in my locker, changing them out for the appropriate ones.

"Well, if you haven't noticed we don't really talk anymore. She's bad news for you." She said as she leaned against the locker. If you haven't noticed Anna and Peggy stopped becoming friends and Anna spends more time talking to me during school hours.

"Duh, Anna, she won't leave me alone. I think she's honestly broken." I said as I reached up and grabbed my notebook.

"No, what needs to be broken is that silly little compact she carries with her." She said as her boyfriend cane around and slung his arm around her. They've been together a little longer than Richie and I.

"Hey, Arri." He said to me as Anna gripped the side of his football's letterman jacket.

"Hey, Blake." I greeted him as I caught the eye of a few familiar faces behind them. Anna then pushed off the lockers and began walking.

"Later, Arri," Anna said. I waved.

"Yeah, Later, Arri." He grinned and folllwed his blonde, silky-haired, thin girlfriend.

"Later, Blake." I laughed as I closed my locker.

"Where were you this morning?" Beverly said as the Losers walked up to me and the bell rung. Warning bell—be on your way to class.

"Piggy Peggy weaseled her way back into my life." I said as I leaned against the lockers.

"That's why I couldn't come pick you up?" Riche asked. I nodded at them as I adjusted my books in my arms.

"Josh McLennan broke up with her and she wants me to comfort her." I answered the question running through their heads.

"That must s-s-suck." Bill furrowed his brow. I nodded and sighed, blowing my bangs out of my face. Oh, I straightened my hair. I wanted to do a length check and maybe cut off some dead ends. I didn't really have any but it was nice to prove that I was capable of having straight hair.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically with a smile.

"We're gonna be late for class, catch you guys later." Stan said a we all separate and made our way down the halls. Riche and I navigated our way to our English class. Something that had become a daily routine for us.

I started to think about everything that's been happening since I started Highschool. If I'm being honest it kept me up at night.

I sat down in the seat desk next to Richie's. He looked at me with strangely. I tried to ignore him and watched our teacher walk out of class. Soon a small paper football was flicked onto my desk. I smiled and opened it up to see a messy 'hey cutie' scrawled onto the tiny paper with a heart next to it.

I turned to my boyfriend, "Hey, yourself, hottie." I scrunch my nose up and pushed up my glasses.

"I never realized your hair was so long." He said twirling a bit that rested on my shoulder.

"It's grown since the last time I straightened it." I said shrugging, I wrote the date on my paper and took Richie's paper to write the date on his.

"When did you straighten it last?" He asked, he looked as if he wasn't even really paying attention to his surroundings, like my hair caught him in some hypnotic spell.

"Five months ago?" I wondered to myself aloud. He nodded and let the strands flow from his fingers and back onto my shoulder as class started.

I had spent my school day avoiding Peggy at all costs. Y'all might think that I'm being mean for not helping her but she never even thought about being nice to me once.

I was successful almost all day, until I we got to the bike rack, then she found me. Now she was walking to my house with the rest of us, she chartered and cluttered the whole way there, the Losers didn't even really want her here but they cared her, despite her rude comments. Richie road next to me, I would occasionally send him annoyed glances that he would laugh at.

It wasn't until we got to my door that she said something to piss me off beyond belief.

"I mean, we were the best couple around. Better than the two of you anyways, it makes me sick that he broke up with me before you caught Richie ducking another girl." She'd said, I honestly think it was just word vomit cause she said something similar to Beverly when her loose shoe popped off and Ben placed it back on her foot.

"Okay that's it." I said turning around so that I was in the door way and she was on my porch. I tried to close the door but she caught it.

"Why should I even think about helping you?" I snarled at the girl, she looked dumbfounded, shocked, like her sanity was shipped to Mars.

"You're better than me." She said as if was the ultimate answer. I smiled at her.

Yes I am.

"No I'm not." I said and slammed the door in her face, locking it. I tuned to see the Losers all with shocked, smiling faces. Richie suddenly jolted towards me and kissed me.

"That's my girl." He said triumphantly, as if he'd won a race.

Finished: Friday, February 9, 2018. 5:49 pm.

Published: Saturday, February 10, 2018. 9:57 pm.

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now