{Ch.14~ Hostile}

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*FYI in the book it is Bowers and his Gang to sexually assault Bev so that's what I'm referring to, it's actually her dad to to save her

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*FYI in the book it is Bowers and his Gang to sexually assault Bev so that's what I'm referring to, it's actually her dad to to save her.

        "So a storm knocked poor little Arri out of paradise and into reality?" Peggy taunted, smacking her gum.

        "Nah, she's still in 'Loser-ville'." Anna held up her fingers in the shape of an 'L' on her forehead. I rolled my eyes at the both of them and continued on with eating my lunch.

         "You know what, you're right, Loser-ville is fine, but paradise became stressful." I told them, I shrugged, so what? I had a fight with my boyfriend, it happens to everyone.

       "What'd you expect when you start to hookup with a horny little Trashmouth like Bucky Beaver?" She asked, I smiled at her with a shit-eating grin, the same that Richie gives when he's being, well, Richie.

       "What I expected was to have someone think I was hot 24/7 and bomb dick from a 'horny little Trashmouth' but hey, you don't know anything about that with Josh McLennan, huh?" I asked. Anna snorted while Peggy crossed her arms and slammed her compact shut to finish her yoghurt.

      I've never slept with Richie, but I knew it would bother her to even think about two 'Losers' losing their virginity before her. I went back to picking at my orange, that was my lunch, 2 oranges.

       I felt someone stare at me but didn't look, cause it didn't exactly matter to me, "Bill Denbrough is staring at you." Anna said, she tapped my hand and pointed.

      I looked in He direction she was pointing and saw that Bill was, indeed, looking at me from across the way. I twisted my three fingers at him and smiled, he smiled back and went to pay attention to the Losers. I smiled at stared at my orange.

     Anna suddenly gasped and covered her mouth before putting her hands on my arm, "does he like you, are you apart of a love triangle cause that'd be so cute and cool, you're like television show." She gushed over my love life, which was hardly even a life at all.

        "No, he just gave me a ride home last night, and then one to school this morning." I said, she 'aww'ed. I looked at her while she gushed her the thought. She was a lot different while Peggy had been discouraged to say something rude to her. I think she just wants to fit in, maybe she wasn't as bad?

        "Oh my god, he's coming this way," she said as I looked to see Bill nervously walking towards us, I caught a glimpse of a jealous looking boyfriend of mine, "and your boy looks furious." I shushed her when h got close enough.

         "Hey," He said standing in front of me, this is the first time that I would've looked up to Bill, in a literal sense that is. I looked up to him in other ways too, I felt as if he was someone worth admiring.

        "Hiya," I subconsciously pushed my glasses up even though they were already on the bridge of my nose, "What are you doing here?"

        "Yeah, Denbrough, you want some of Arri too?"Peggy commented, Bill looked quite discouraged and flustered after she spoke, he began stuttering unintelligibly.

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now