{Ch.7~How to be a Loser}

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*some of the stuff in this book will be related to gmw, just to let ya know

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*some of the stuff in this book will be related to gmw, just to let ya know. I think they relate to the Losers well.

"Seems like Richie to ruin a moment like that." Beverly rolled er eyes as I told her the memories of the moment Richie and I shared. Maybe it was a tribal boy thing, it was hormones not him, this is middle school.

"Yeah, he's a good at ruining moments, but it's different when he helps make them." I noted as I recalled a story he had told me about when his younger cousins had come to visit once and at first he hated it since he had to share his room, but by the end of their visit he'd taught them about his favorite bands and games. In exchange they taught him some newer voices for him to try out and gave him a few new shirts.

"What moments have you two made together?" She asked cheekily, I knew what she was getting at. We had gotten ice cream but got bored so we were at the park on a bench.

"I just told you." I pointed out and took another hit of double chocolate fudge. She rolled her eyes and pushed my legs. She had told me something earlier about how nice my jeans looked.

"No, I mean what else have you two done, you've been hanging out none stop for like a month now." She said to me, I shrugged and smiled.

"I've learned a lot about him, he's very interesting. And he does this thing that he does when he's tired where he gets all cuddly." I mused at the remembrance of a moment where I was helping him study and it had gotten late. So he by the end of me reading to him he was half asleep and had let me lay in between his legs with my back against his chest. That's why I hadn't realize he was so tired until he wrapped his arms around my torso and I heard soft snores.

"Do you like him?" She asked me, I blushed at the question and sighed. After a moment of comical thinking I answered her.

"I guess so," I said but then looked back at the duck pond, "I mean yeah I like him, but I don't think it really matters." I shrugged and looked back at her.

"Why do you say that?" She asked as she took another lick of her ice cream.

      "I dunno really, things like this never mattered in my book," I leaned back on the bench, "no one looked at me like that, ever."

      "Richie does, he stares at you all the time, he's done it ever since you first came here." That fact that she could expose her friend's personal thought on someone he held a physical attraction to made me think.

      "They're gonna meet us soon," I pointed out, "so you're saying that when they get here Richie will gawk at me as if I'm so high and mighty?" I asked in disbelief.

       "He'll drool, he's done it before." She pointed out.

     "Let's just assume that he honestly considers me as more than a crush, Richie doesn't get me, no one does." I pointed out, it wasn't anything to be pressed about it was just life.

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now