{Ch.22~ Fight For Me}

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*i took the picture^ I thought it looked cute

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*i took the picture^ I thought it looked cute. I'm writing this in a H&R Block. Oh, happy Groundhog Day, six more weeks of winter.

"And....done." I smiled as the boy looked as triumphant as ever. I watched as he quietly pumped his fists in the air. Ben and I were in his favorite place in the world— the library. He was assigned to do a one-thousand word essay, I've been here for emotional support, well Bev and I. Bev wasn't here today, she was assigned with three pages of Math. To fill in her place was Eddie, I noticed how his hair grew out as well and started to look a lot like Richie's.

"You look nice today, Arri," Eddie whispered to me as we watched the happy Ben begin to print his essay, "You look nice everyday."

"Thanks, Eddie," I said looking at him, "why don't you look cute?" I asked rhetorically at the boy, squeezing his cheek. His cheeks and bridge of his nose turned red, I laughed quietly at the boy and turned my attention back to Ben.

"One-thousand exactly, I got done a day early." He said while grinning at the freshly printed, warm pages. I smiled at the two boys and grabbed my book bag as they walked towards the door. I smiled and nodded as Eddie held the door open for me. We walked out to the road and not far along from the building was a crazy person that had knocked us to the ground, the boys and their bikes, me and my books, it was a mess. That insane being was my boyfriend, he was panting and sweating, he had fallen off of his bike and scrambled behind us. Soon the boys were all behind me as one Henry Bowers ran in front of me.

       "Hey, Arri, my girlfriend to whom I adore, meet my pal, Henry." Richie said while grabbing my shoulders and ducking behind me along with Eddie and Ben. Richie always tried to be funny in situations like that.

       "Shut it, Tozier, you're still dead." The talks blonde snarled from in front of me as he stepped closer. I could hear him whimper and coward behind me even more, I looked at him to see him with a bit of blood on his face. I then looked at Henry to see that he had a big gash on his lip and one on his eyebrow.

       "Nuh-uh, he looks pretty alive to me." I said to the brute, squaring my shoulders, I don't see what's so scary about him anyways. Or maybe it was just that I'm from Alabama and have been wrestling my cousins since I was four-years-old.

         "Not for long, aren't you his skanky girlfriend, the one that's been fucking all of the guys in school?" He asked me, I raised my brow and was pulled back slightly.

         "I told you not to talk about we like that, asshole!" Richie said furiously to the bully. Henry huffed and advanced towards us, pushing my to the ground and then Richie onto the ground. I made the effort to jump onto his back and choke him until he was on the ground, it was my first instinct don't judge me.

A moment later he'd flipped me onto the ground making me groan and land with a thud. That's when he hovered over both Richie and I, Richie pulled me a lot closer to him as the boy towered over us, casting a strong shadow that even the boogeyman himself would run away from. This only made me angrier, why does this asshole have the privilege to have my friends run away from him. He may be the shiver down their spine by I'll make sure that I'm the shiver down his.

I raised my foot up and kicked him hard, and you know exactly where. He toppled over in pain making the Ben and Eddie pick up Richie and I and helping me on the back of my boyfriend's bike, riding away like Robin Hood and His Band of Merry Men. We then got to my house where my mom jolted up from the couch at the sudden whoops and hollers of victory that flooded her house. She me us at the door and shushed us.

"What's all the fussin about," He said and then looked at the blood coming from Richie's lip and held his face to look at his wound, "and he ate you bleeding?" She asked him concerned for his well-being. Richie has always talked about how he liked my mother, he said when we have a kid she was to be the first grandparent to holder her. He said he didn't want or baby around his mother like that.

"I kicked Henry Bowers' ass." I said triumphantly.

"Okay one: stop cussin, two: why did you do that to that poor boy?" My mother always took mercy upon those who dared to tousle with me, she said they could've ended up in a body bag but she was happy they didn't.

"Cause he chased Richie all the way through town, Mrs. Mulligan." Eddie said as my mom lead us into the kitchen where she wet a paper towel and dabbed it on Richie's wound.

"And why did he do that?" My mom asked the boy at our kitchen table as she stood in the kitchen doorway.

"He was trying to out trash mouth the Trashmouth about Arri." He said making me snap my gaze to him. I furrowed my brows at him.

"Me, you fought over me?" I was shocked that he'd done such a thing, but not exactly surprised.

"Yup, I didn't like the way your name was in his mouth so I socked him in the face." He said like it was nothing as my mother left and wandered about upstairs.

"Never kid that, what you did was so cool, Arri," Eddie said moving an awful lot.

"Yeah, I've never seen anyone do a thing to Henry like that, especially not a girl, he must be so embarrassed." Ben mused with a laugh. I shrugged.

My mom then cane back in the kitchen and kneeled so that she was at eye-level with Richie, she had a cotton swab a dipped it in the bottle of peroxide she had. Richie squeezed his eyes shut to ready himself for the pain he was going to receive. My mom held his face up towards the light some more and cleaned his lip. She then dabbed it with his went paper towel one last time.

"As your mother I guess I should say 'fighting's wring and you should have told me'," she rolled her eyes as she spoke, "but that asshole deserved it and the next time don't stop until he's bleeding on the ground, if he wants to tell his parents then tell me and I'll rock their shit." She said.

"Bye, mom," I said to her as she threw everything away.

"Yeah, thank you and bye, mom." Richie said waving her as he walked out of the kitchen. She turned around and looked at us with a smile before walking up the stairs.

"Your family is just filled with cool women, huh?" Ben asked me. I shrugged and walked to the living room where we would spend the rest of our day.

Somewhere whilst watching Secret Admirer this conversation was whispered between my boyfriend and I, "This is one of my favorite movies." I mused as I watched Corey Haim's chara red read his older brother's Love note.

"Oh yeah," Richie turned his head towards mine, "why is that?" He asked, I shrugged and looked at him as the television asked peculiar dancing shadows down his face.

"It's a dumb cliché with all of my favorite actors." I said to him. He slowly started to smile at me, I looked at him strangely right before he pecked my lips and then pulled away hissing.

"Ow, fuck," he said sticking his tongue out to feel the cut on his lip, "I keep forgetting that's there."

"Looks like you don't get any kisses until your lip heals." I said rubbing my thumb against his cheek bone.

He groaned and rolled his eyes, "I hate Bowers."

"Awe, I know, baby," I cooed and kissed his cheek before turning back to the movie.

Finished: Friday, February 2, 2018. 3:51 pm.

Published. Friday, February 2, 2018. 4:10 pm.

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now