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Months later, 3 weeks until summer

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Months later, 3 weeks until summer.

It's starting to get hard to decipher people anymore. Well, not people more like myself. I had a dream the other day, I was in a room, something where you would have an intervention or go to a therapy session. Anyways, I saw me, all wearing different colors with different energy pulsing from there bodies.

I was at the end of a couch I've never seen before, it was murky brown and itches my arms. They all started to talk about whatever the hell energy embodiments would y'all about then that turned into a screaming argument. They all stood and yelled at each other and I just sat amongst the chaos. I tried to ask why they were so angry but no one answered. Then suddenly they were gone and I was alone.

I woke up after that and just stayed up throughout the night. Ever since then I've been questioning if it was even me I was looking at in photos. But that was the other night, this is tonight.

"Did you finish your project?" I asked, he nodded sleepily as I rolled over to look at the clock that rested on my bedside table.

"Baby, it's only 7:30 wake up." I said raking my fingers through his hair. He furrowed his brows and opened his eyes, groaning.

"I can't wait until next year," Richie said as he sat up on my bed. I looked at him as he stretched, "no more boring nights, more like nights out on the town— any town." He said

"I thought you liked being all cuddly like this?" I said pouting as if I was upset, I still hadn't let Richie know about anything. The dream, the talk with Bev some time ago, the fact of slowly lost my appetite.

"Yeah, I do, don't get me wrong," he paused and walked over to my window, "but getting older just seems like something I've been waiting for my whole life." He said as he looked out at the sky where the sun's last green hue shined.

I didn't want to grow up, I didn't want us to be like my parents, "Well I don't," I said making him raise a brow and look at me, "I wish I could stay a kid forever, or at least seventeen."

"I thought your big dream was to go off to Yale or whatever?" He said, walking to me as I sat up to hold my hands on his. I bounced on my bed a bit and shrugged, poking out my lip.

"Okay but 'Yale or whatever' can wait." I said as I kissed his fingers gently. I still had on that stupid ring Stan got me that Richie proposed to me with.

"What's been up with you?" He said seriously. I shrugged and looked back at my block. 7:37 pm.

He furrowed his brows and grabbed my face gently to make me look at him. I looked down at the ground, not making eye contact with him. I could hear him sigh in frustration. He took both of my hands once more and kneeled down, pulling me into the floor with him; he sat me down so that I was in between his legs.

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now