Chapter 26

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Saturday came quickly and you were not prepared. As you walked to Hogsmeade alone, you tried to think of all the things you could say to your step father. You couldn't think of anything good.

It wasn't like you hated him, you actually liked him very much. But the two of you never grew close, and when your mother went insane, he became closed off.

"(Y/n)!" Someone called as you walked into the Three Broomsticks. Your eyes met your step father's and you smiled weakly.

"Hi John, How are you?" You asked him. He pulled you in for an awkward hug.

"I'm fine, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm okay." You said, and took a seat across from him at the booth.

"Good, good." He said awkwardly. You sat in awkward silence for a while. Finally you couldn't take it any longer.

"You said Mom was doing worse?" You asked. He sighed.
"Yes, unfortunately. She doesn't remember me... and she attempted suicide last week." He explained.
"What!" You sputtered. "Why didn't anyone tell me!"
"I didn't want to worry you. She was stopped. They have her on close watch now."  John explained.

"Has... has she asked about me?" You asked hesitantly.

"Of course. She remembers you and misses you. Actually, I was thinking this summer I'd finally take you to see her." He offered.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" You grumbled, remembering the countless times you had asked to see her and he shot you down.

"(Y/n), I love your mother as much as you do. It was too painful for me to see her." You sat in silence. The conversation was reminding you of Cedric. The last time you had talked about your mom was with him. You felt a sharp pang in your chest as you realized you never got to tell him about her.

"Well thank you, I'd really like to see her." You smiled.

"Of course. Anyway, how have you been? How's school?" He asked. You told him about your classes and friends. He listened intently and asked questions when appropriate. Explaining magic to a muggle is always entertaining. But you were starting to believe his claim of wanting to be a real parent.

"Who's that young man staring at you?" He asked suddenly, with a smirk on his face. You turned to where he was gesturing and saw a head of platinum blond hair duck outside.

"No one." You snapped.

"A boyfriend?" He questioned.

"No. I actually hate him. He's a snob." You scoffed, holding back tears.

"Oh alright. You know, this butter beer is fantastic! I wish we could get some in London." He changed the subject.

"I agree. Maybe we can get some again soon." You smiled.


"(L/n)!" You were stopped after classes one day. You turned to see the one and only Harry Potter.

"Oh, hi Harry." You smiled.

"I have to ask you something. You're friends with Malfoy right?" He asked. You rolled your eyes. It had been three weeks since you spoke to Malfoy. You didn't want to talk about him.

"Not anymore, why?" You answered, trying to seem unbothered. After all, Harry had no idea about your personal life.

"Oh. Well, I was wondering if he'd been acting suspicious around you but I guess you wouldn't know." He said awkwardly. You don't know why you did it. Maybe you were bitter. But you told Harry the truth.

"Actually yes. He was quite suspicious, that's why we aren't friends anymore." You said. He smiled.

"Good, then I'm not crazy. Thanks for your help, I might have more questions later. See you!" He said, then ran off excitedly. What have I done?

A/N Guys I'm sorry about the formatting on this one. I tried to fix it but it just makes it worse. That was the first and last time I use a different program to write then copy and paste. Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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