Chapter 10

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The next couple of days seem to fly by. All the teachers thought that I was shy, except for Snape, and they all seemed to not care if I talked or not.

Snape would try to get on my nerves as much as he could. Telling me that I was doing something wrong or just firing question after question at me. But that only got him glares and me detention after class, since it was my last class.

I would have sighed if I could, but I couldn't talk or make any noise. And I kinda liked it. It was awesome not being able to blurt random stuff out all the time.

And I'm guessing that Dumbledore hadn't told Snape yet since he hasn't asked me about it, or maybe that is why he was being such an ass to me all the time. He didn't ask the other kids all these questions and he sure didn't tell them everything that was wrong with a paper we had written or with a potion we had made. It was infuriating.

Class seemed to drag on and on with Snape talking in his monotone voice, unless he was yelling questions at me. All to soon class was over and everyone started to file out of the class. I stayed in my seat and waited for everyone else to leave before starting to put the books away, like I did everyday before during detention.

" You need to clean the cauldrons the muggle way. You know where the stuff is kept.", he said and flicked his hand toward the closet that had all the cleaning supplies in it.

This was gunna be a long detention.

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