Chapter 43

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I was still amazed at how Snape and my date went last night.

I got up and changed so I could head to class. And like usual when I walked out if my room, Snape wasn't there. He was probably already in his classroom getting stuff ready or finishing some papers. All he did was work..

I have to think of something else that we could do for a date. And hopefully he'll stop working so much and so hard. I mean all he does it work, he hardly has any time to himself, and I know that he doesn't sleep that much either.

So as I went about my day with classes, avoiding people, and trying to finish some papers I tried to come up with ways to help make Snape's life easier in him. And the only thing that I could think of was if I helped him get all of the stuff that he needed to get done.

He would get some more free time, but I'd have less time for classes. But I was fine with that. He really deserved a break. No one could take doing that every day for an entire school year. And he had to be the hardest working professor at this school.

So I was thinking about how to tell Snape that I was going to help him out with grading papers and other things that he could take a break from, without making him mad. And I was not going to back down from this.

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