Chapter 3

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It wasn't long before I had everything that I needed, but I couldn't get the twins to stop talking long enough to tell them that I needed to go. I just listened and nodded my head, or answered a question that they had.

" Where are your parents?", Fred asked.

I swallowed the lump that started to form in my throat, " Died when I was five. I've been on my own since then.."

" No family to stay with?", George looked at me.

" Nope.", I said and started to walk faster to get away from them. They didn't need to know how my parents hand died.. Everyone just thinks that they got in a car accident, but they were killed by a close friend of theirs..

While I wasn't paying attention I ran straight into someone. " Oh I-I am so sor-sorry sir..", I stammered. The dark haired man turned around, " I don't have time to keep being ran into by incolent brats like you.", he hisses and glared at me.

I backed away from him. It just couldn't be.. Not the man that killed my parents.. He noticed who I was, but I took off running before he could try and say anything. I could hear Fred and George calling my name, but I kept on running with tears forming in my eyes. How can I run into the one person I've been running from for the past almost ten years??

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