Chapter 6

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The time finally come to go to Hogwarts. Fred, George, and I were waving to their family as the Hogwarts Express started to pull away from the station. We all sat back in our seats and awaited our arrival at Hogwarts.


We were all herded into a large cafeteria type room. There were four long tables in the floor and up a couple of steps sat another table, that Fred said the professors sat at. George said that the other four tables were for the kids from ever house. We were to all be put into a house and they would be like our family.

I looked up to see a lady walk down the steps with an old brown wizard type hat and a roll of paper. She started talking and I didn't catch anything she said because Fred and George were talking. The only part that I caught was to take a seat on the stool when your name was called.

So kid after kid went to sit in the stool and be placed into houses. Finally Fred and George went up and were placed into Gryffindor and I hoped I would be put in the same house as them.

" Jasmine Payne.", the woman called and I slowly walked up and sat on the stool. She placed the hat on my head.

" Very interesting. Yes very interesting. You are so kind and caring, but there is a side to you that is cunning and deceivable. Just where to put you.. You are definitely a Hufflepuff. Better be Hufflepuff!", the hat called from on top of my head.

The lady took the hat from my head and told me to go sit with my house mates. I sat at the Hufflepuff table and looked over at Fred and George. The only two people that I knew at this school and I would hardly ever get to see them.

I didn't even pay attention as the rest of the kids got sorted into their houses and barely even touched the food I put on my plate. I just wanted to get this school year over and done with.

When dinner was over I followed my house mates to our dorm. I didn't even remember the password that opened the portrait. I waited until our head of house stopped talking and went to the room where he said me and two other girls would be sharing. Sarah, a really tanned preppy girl with bleach blonde hair. I could tell we wouldn't get along. And then there was Anya a girl that had a southern accent with a natural dark tan and brown hair with natural blonde highlights in it. She was sweet and seemed to be outspoken.

Anya and Sarah chatted for a couple of hours before they finally went to sleep. I continued to read the book I have read ten million times already because it was one of the last things that I had of my parents. It was their favourite book so it became my favourite book because it would make me feel like I was still there. I was still reading when the sun came up the next morning. I had not realised that I had stayed up all night. Time really does fly by.

It was time to get ready for breakfast and to get our classes. But I didn't want to leave my room. I just wanted to stay in bed all day. Hell I wanted to stay in my room all year.

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