Who's there?

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As CC looked at me I shouted 'who's there' CC chuckled at me and answered the door and I stood hidden behid him mumvling about ways to murder him in his sleep.

As I was mumbling to myself I saw a hand in frint of my face and I lookes to see CC stood looking at me in concern on his face I just ignored him and looked at Andy and said 'Do you want food or something to drink or anything at all' He smiled and asked 'can I have a beer please' I nodded my head and said 'sure,CC you might wanna hide cause when I get back I'm gona bury you' as I left I heard him shout 'I'd like to see you try' I got 3 bottlea of beer and walked into the living room ans handed him his, while I put mine and CC's on the table and started chasing him and yelling 'you could have warned me sooner so I could at least lo pretty'  I heard a thump and ran towarsa where it came from to see CC laid on the floor holding his face in his hands, I laughed as I realised he ran in to the wall thats got a door outline on it.

As I stopped laughing I helped him up and dragged him to the living room and sat him next to Andy and ran to the kitchen and got him a jubilee to put o  his nose.

As I sat down I turned to Andy and said 'so you got a lucky lady in your life yet?' he snirked and said 'I have my eye on someone' As he said that I felt my heart fall but instead of showing it I smiled and said 'I want details' he smiled softly and said 'she's beautiful, she has eyes to die for, she's got a figure to die for, she's so kind,funny and she's not afraid to put people in their place. Do you want to know her name?' I nodded and took a gulp of my beer as he said 'her name's Emma and she's sat right in front of me and I came here today to see of she would come to Download with me' I looked at him and then smiled and said 'sure, will Juliet be there?' he nodded and smiled and then said 'I missed having you around even if I thought you hated me I could never stay away from you' I smiled and said 'happens alot'.

As we sat staring at each other I heard CC clear his throat and say ' As romantic as this is we need to be going in like an hour so you need to get packing and since I'm injured Andy will have to help you pack' I smiled and got up and when Andy was up I grapped his hand and dragged him to my room and got my suitcase out.

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