I miss you

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3 months later

It's been 3 months today since Ebony died, CC's been with me everyday, I just wish I could see her smile one more time.

After I finished my speech at her funeral Andy and Juliet tried talking to me along with everyone else but I ignored everyone and went home and locked myself in her bedroom and just cried, CC showed up an hour after and he just held me as I cried, but I haven't cried since her funeral because I was out of tears,  I see Andy everyday since he comes and picks CC up and takes him home, he's not with Juliet at the minute because they're on and off at the minute.

I see Juliet alot we talk alot now we've become best friends, she's changed since I last saw her, she doesn't know I'm crazy in love with Andy yet though.

Today me and CC are going clubbing to celebrate mine and Ebony's birthday coming up I just wish she was here.

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