Valentine's Day (Eddsworld x Author)

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I usually let everyone get a holiday themed oneshot since I started writing this, except for Halloween. Um, I know I'm writing for you guys, but today isn't... today will be my first Vday without him. So, I wanted to vent into a oneshot and it turned out well I think? Mainly all the stress ive been dealing with for a long time. Sequel to the heartbroken oneshot I uploaded in November. This is how I feel. You can skip this. I'm sorry.


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Today was February the 14th which meant it was Valentine's Day. Oh fucking joyous day. Hali didn't like Valentine's Day because for the first time in 7 years, she would spend it alone ever since her.... sudden finding out about how her friend had used her as a playtoy for 7 years. Although, she tried not to drag others down in her despair, she decided to spend the day locked in her room to avoid seeing the boys.

They already knew about what happened, but they didn't know it would cause this kind of effect on her. So as the boys were doing their own things for the lovey-dovey holiday, Hali was in her room brooding. She didn't like this holiday to begin with, but it was even worse now that he was gone from her life.

"I fucking hate this holiday." She growled, looking at her arms. There were four large cuts on her arms, healed but the scars remained to remind her of how ugly she truly was. She held her head in her hands, silently crying a little. "I'm so pathetic."

"Hali? Are you ok?" Edd's voice came through her door.

Hali quickly dove underneath her sheets to act like she had been asleep the whole time. When she heard Edd open the door, she tried to fake a steady breathing cycle to trick him into thinking she was asleep. But Edd was smarter, and he sat down on the side of her bed.

"Hali, you can't hide in here all day you know? I understand you hate this holiday. Tom doesn't like it either." Edd looked at the floor, hearing Hali shift around. "Please don't be sad."

"Edd, I'm sad because this is the first Valentine's Day I don't have anyone to share with. I was being used like a toy for 7 years Edd. He won't be in it. I'm happy he won't, but my heart is lonely." Hali confessed, feeling Edd shift to where he was beside her and hugged her. She began to cry softly. "I'm broken, Edd. I hurt. I want to die."

Edd rubbed Hali's back, "Nonono, you're not broken. You're strong. You don't need that asshole." He pulled back and kissed her softly on the forehead, watching as her expression went from sad to mildly flustered. He chuckled, smiling warmly at her. "Just come out and spend the day with us."

Hali blushed, wiping her tears as she smiled back sadly. "I'm sorry Edd, but I can't. I'm scared." She looked at her arms for a minute.

"Scared of what? Of that jerk? Hali, he lives in the USA, unless he suddenly transported himself here, I doubt he can hurt you. Besides you have us to protect you. I really doubt Tom or Tord would let that scum bag come near you." Edd noticed her looking at her arms

"I'm scared that you guys will hate me because I do this." She pulled her sleeves back to reveal those scars she put on herself back a week ago. "It hurts Edd. I don't deserve to live. I'm not worth anything." She smiled sadly.

Edd's eyes widened as he saw those four healing scars on her arm. He took hold of her shoulders, "Please don't say that. You do deserve to live. There are people who care about you. You are worth alot. I would be very sad if you left. All of us would be sad." Edd was frantic.

Hali smiled sadly, tears running down her face. "Please stop lying. I know I annoy you guys. All I do is annoy everyone." She went quiet and stopped talking as she saw Edd look at her with a heartbroken expression on his face as she was suddenly engulfed into a bone-crushing hug. "E-Edd?"

Edd was shaking. He didn't know Hali felt this way about herself. She always was quiet and never spoke to anyone. She was kind to animals, and Ringo loved her. But, she was so deeply hurt by this one person who toyed with her. She was suffering, and no one knew until now. "Hali, please.. I love you so much. Everyone loves you. Please don't do anything stupid."

Hali began to cry a little as she noticed her door opening a little wider as Tom, Tord, and Matt came peeking into her room with curious glances at her and Edd. She tried to hide her face in Edd's hoody so they wouldn't question her.


"Hey, Edd, what's up with Hali? Is.. Is she crying?" Tom asked, narrowing his eyes to see in the dark room. He was going to turn on the light when he saw Edd shake his head no. Tom backed off from the switch and walked closer to the bed, sitting down on the other side and placed his hand awkwardly on her back. "Hali, what's wrong?" He whispered.

Tord and Matt both climbed on her bed, waiting to hear why Hali was crying into Edd's hoody. Sure, Hali was a bit odd and never really talked much but to see her crying was a little worrisome. She kept her emotions in check and rarely showed any signs of sadness related to personal problems; only when she was forced into talking about them did her real feelings come out.

"I'm a burden. Please leave me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause you to worry. I'm sorry I'm so worthless." She whispered in a chant over and over again, not really paying attention to the other three boys in her room. She only saw Edd as she continued on.

Tom's eyes widened in shock before he swiftly hugged her from behind, resting his head in the crook of her shoulder. "You are not worthless. We all love you, Hali. Please. What's wrong?" He asked again. "Please."

Matt and Tord shared a quick glance before scooting closer. "Hali, honey, what's wrong?" As Matt held her arm, he moved her sleeves to reveal her mistakes. He gasped, gritting his teeth. "Why are you hurting yourself?" He carefully moved his fingers along the healed scars. "Did something happen?"

Edd looked at the others, debating whether or not he should tell them. It wasn't his choice to tell them. He decided to anyway since Hali wouldn't confess at all, not in this state of mind anyway. "She's feeling terrible about herself since this will be the first Valentine's Day she spends without him." Edd hoped they understood what he meant by 'him'.

Tom growled softly, instantly knowing who Edd was talking about. Matt understood while Tord was a little lost until Matt clued him in. Tord clenched his hands together into a fist, "Sønn av en tisse."

"I-I don't miss him. I'm happy he's gone, but he was one of my closest friends... And he was there for me when I needed someone to vent to. I don't have anyone else that I'm close with now..." Hali whimpered. "Is there something wrong with me?"

Edd's eyes widened once again as he took Hali's head in his hands forcing her to look at him. "There is nothing wrong with you. He was an asshole for hurting you and leading you on for so many years. You are strong. Please do not give up. You have four people here who care about you. We all love you." He leaned in and kissed her on the forehead softly.

"You're very talented Hali. You can draw and write. You are kind to animals. You have a nice personality. You're childish at times, but that's how you are. You can't change that." Tom added. Matt and Tord smiled. "Hali, you don't need him. We are here for you. Vent to us if you need to. Please don't hurt yourself."

Hali smiled softly, leaning into Edd's embrace as Tom hugged her closer. She held onto both Matt and Tord's hands. "Thank you guys..." 


sønn av en tisse = son of a bitch

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