Need A Hand? (Eduardo x Undead Reader)

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You were on a stroll in the forest at night. It was awfully cold, but you didn't mind or even feel it. It was really beautiful with the moon high in the sky, and the bats fluttering around. You weren't paying attention and tripped, grunting as you looked down at your legs to see one of them had popped right off and was stuck in the ground.

You see, you weren't alive. You were dead. You had been killed by some asshole named Todd Hansen. He was gonna marry you, but ended up leaving you alone where you were supposed to meet. And then he came in from behind, and gutted you, leaving you to bleed out in the cold winter night.

When you woke, you were in the underground with some skeletons and some other dead people. They called it the underworld because it was underneath where the living lived. You were confused and scared, but soon found friends among them. You befriended a nice little ghost boy named Jon who was killed in a mining accident. He was your best friend in the underworld.

You weren't supposed to go up to land of the living because if someone saw you, it might spell doom for you and everyone else. But you want to see some life instead of the darker toned home you now lived in. Anyway, you had tripped while walking and now you were looking at your own leg in annoyance. "This sucks." You muttered, crawling to your leg and jamming it back into its socket.

Once you shoved it back on, you carried on into the night life and looked around for something fun to do before you headed back home. You sighed, "There probably isn't much to do if you're a corpse." You whispered sadly. Just then, you heard a faint sound of yelling throughout the forest. You strained your ears to hear it again.

"FUCKING HELL! IM STUCK!" The Spanish accent echoed through the forest.There was now something to do. You smiled and quickly scampered to where you heard the voice screaming out profanities into the cool dark night. As you ran there, you finally stumbled onto a sight that made you start laughing.

There was a tall male stuck in a bunch of vines. God only knows how he managed to get stuck in that. He had brown short hair and brown eyes. He had a green collared shirt and some gray slacks. He was trying to get the vines off of him, but he somehow got himself stuck even more as if the vines were toying with him. "¡Maldita sea! Esto apesta!" He cursed in Spanish at no one in particular. He stopped trying to escape when he heard the sound of laughing. He sharply turned to see you standing there, laughing at him. "HEY! Asshole! Help me out!"

You stopped laughing, raising an eyebrow at him. "I'm the only one around here for miles and you called me an asshole? Why should I help you?" You put your hand on your hip and tilted your head to the side. It was too dark for him to see what you were, and you were thankful for that. You rarely got the chance to talk to the living, and you didn't want him to pass out from your... rotting, well it wasn't rotting, you just looked like you crawled out of hell.The man growled, "Just get me out of here!"

You blinked, "Fine, fine." You jumped down to where he was currently stuck and began examining the vines. "Hmm... Oh, I see."

"You see what?" He asked.

"You're stuck in some enchanted ivy. You might of triggered some reaction to them. They are really harmless, but you probably startled them." You began to gently poke the sentient vines as they twitched here and there under your touch.

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