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Carl and I stuck together through it all. He was my only friend and quite honestly he was the only one that mattered most. I had nothing else or anyone else. It felt like it was just Carl and I most of the time, even though we were surrounded by people. But soon Alexandria wasn't Alexandria anymore. Please started dying.

Good people and bad people. When the Wolves attacked we lost a lot of people. I was taken back by the whole experience but after that I knew that more would come our way. We would be attacked by more and more people. We would attack people. Our lives were changing and there was nothing that could stop it.

Carl and I became closer. We became best friends over time, we knew we had to be there for each other. Our friendship was unbreakable. When things were calm, we spent most of our time down by a river we found not to long after we started talking. Carl and I would jump the walls every morning, before anyone was awake. We'd go down to the river and sit and watch the water pass.

There was no denying that I loved this boy. Everything about him made me smile. At the time I didn't know how he felt. He was good at hiding his emotions, we both were. Well most of the time I was, apparently he could tell that I liked him. A few more weeks passed and I realized we were becoming more than just best friends. It was a shock to me, I never thought that we would become anything more than friends.

I was worried that it would become a distraction, but it just made me cautious. Which was a good thing, you needed to be carful now a days. Carl and I were always messing around and doing stupid things but never when we were outside the walls.

The adults mostly made us stay inside and watch his little sister. Which I was fine with most of the time I mean I liked Judith. She was cool and adorable. I talked to her all the time even though she didn't understand me, I was looking forward to the day I would be able to have an actual conversation with her. But Carl on the other hand, hated it. He wanted to go out, over the walls. He wanted to feel like he was doing something useful.

I understood that, I did. But sometimes it was just better to lay low, especially if there's people after us. We thought it was bad then but we had no idea what was to come. All the torture we would go through, all the people we would lose. This war hasn't even started yet. 

Oooof okay I promise the next chapter is going to be better. But hope you guys enjoyed.

Thanks, love you lots babes. 💋

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