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Haha I have zero inspiration but I love you guys a shit ton


His name was, Carl Grimes. He didn't look so sure of the place. He was alert. He didn't know who or what to trust. But I liked that, he reminded me of myself. He was quiet but I could tell he was listening. He was amazed by what we had, he'd hadn't seen anything like it in along time. It meant something to him, but he wasn't too sure. He hadn't had anything just handed to him that easily. Especially something like this.

It wasn't just shelter or a place to spend the night. It was a community. It was a home. The first time I saw him, I fell in love with his smile.
I thought I'd never see someone smile so big in a world like this. I could tell he had hope. He had hope for this world unlike most of us.
He believed that you needed hope. Even if it was just the slightest bit of it, that's all it took.

The first week or so we didn't do a lot of talking. It was more of just glancing at each other every now and then. It took him awhile to warm up to everyone, but I was one of the first few people he talked too. It was a minor conversation but it was the start of something life changing.

I remember like it was yesterday, I was sitting on the porch reading a book and he walked up to me. The smile on his face was the only thing I could concentrate on. 'Uh hi.' He spoke awkwardly. 'I'm Carl.' It felt like I already knew him. But I guess that was the first time we had officially met. I remember sliding over so he could sit next to me. We talked for maybe 30 minutes but by the end of it I could tell that he was comfortable with me.

His dad was soon there and he had to leave, his dad seemed like the leader of their group. I mean you could tell. The way he talked and did things, you could just see it. Rick was always ridiculously nice to me, we had kind of just hit off from the moment we met.

I could tell that these people would change the way things happened around here. Little did I know, it would be more than just small change. Our lives would basically never be the same after they arrived. We just didn't know it yet.

There were so many ups and downs but he changed my life for the better. He changed my perspective on so many different things and I changed his. We were two completely different people now and maybe that change was for the better.

Carl and I had all sorts of conversations, most of them were happy memories and light hearted moments but some of them were deep. We talked about our lives before the apocalypse and after. How much we've changed over the years. What it would be like if none of this happened. We were both young when this whole thing started, our childhood corrupted by the dead.

We talked about how many people we had lost and what they meant to us. How there were good people in this world, we just had to find them. Carl used to tell me all the time. 'Some die, so others can live.' And I thought about that every single day. It made me fight for my life, our lives. It kept me going. I was willing to die to save people. I really was, Carl was the same way. We did what we had to do in order to protect people.

Sometimes that's all you need to do. Sometimes it's all you can do. All you can do is fight and hope for the best.

Um this took me wayyyy too long to update but I'm trying to get this whole thing done before twd comes back on so be ready for more updates soon. Also be prepared for short chapters like this lmao

Thanks, love you lots babes. 💋

Xoxo Laney

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