Over the walls - Happy

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This book is almost to 300 reads!! Tbh I can't even believe I've gotten that many. I just wanted to write these not thinking anyone would actually read them. But hey you guys actually read them. So thanks soooo much. I love you all. Also I updated so here ya go. Lol and this one isn't just going to about Carl it's also Ron and Enid so yeah.

Enid (I want her in more of my imagines just because she's become one of my favs. Tbh I used to hate her but...she's okay.)

"Ron. Come onnn." I said dragging him over to one of the corners inside the walls. "Their always late every time we do this. What's the point of being early?" Ron said slowly dragging behind me. "Because I like to be out there. You know that." I said rolling my eyes. We walked through the tall weeds as we reached the end. I took my pegs out that use to climb the wall. I stared to climb until reached the top. "Alright your turn." I said throwing them down to Ron. He slowly made his way up the wall, he's fairly new at it since he never liked to go outside the walls. "Hey. How's Y/N and Carl going to get over?" Ron asked reaching the top.

I smiled and grabbed on to a tree branch near the wall and started to climb down. "Y/N has her ways." I stared blankly. Ron was right behind me as we jumped to the ground. "Okay...so where we headed this time?" I asked myself while walking down the dirt road. Ron walked up next to me and grabbed my hand. "Why don't we go to Y/N's old house? She showed you where it was right?" He asked. "Yeah...we should. But we have to wait for Y/N and Carl so they know where we're going." I said pulling Ron closer.



"Damnit Y/N were late again. We were supposed to be out here 20 minutes ago." I said following Y/N down the road. "Ron called it." Enid said as we approached them. "Yeah...yeah I know we're late we had to do a few things."
Y/N said stepping closer to Enid. "Making out isn't mandatory Y/N." Ron said playfully punching her in the arm. I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha. So where we going?" I said headed off in the direction of the woods. I heard the rest of them walking behind me. "Actually we aren't going that way." Enid said as I came to a stop and turned around. "Where then?" Y/N asked.

"Figured we visit your old house. I think it would be a nice hang space. We could clear it out and bring some stuff over and it could be our place we go when we need to get away or just all be together." Enid said walking past Ron and Y/N and headed down the road. "I actually love that idea a lot. Thanks girly." Y/N said walking next to her. I looked over at Ron and smiled as I started to walk behind the girls.

We walked down the twisted road and turned into the forest. "It's just through here." Y/N said grabbing my hand. We walked through the leaves and dirt and finally came upon her house. It was worn down and dirty but the smile on Y/N's face was priceless. "I haven't been here since the last time with Enid. And that was easily three months ago." Y/N while walking up to the front door. She opened it and we all walked inside with our weapons out ready to fight of any danger. Ron went upstairs, Enid went to the left, Y/N took right, and I took the center.

Ron (What?! I never thought I use his P.O.V)

I wandered through the upstairs look at all the pictures on the wall. There were several pictures of Y/N on the wall. Memories of before the apocalypse went through my head, I smiled at the thoughts. I walked down the hall to find Y/N's room at the end. I opened the door and the first thing I saw were her black walls. Wow she themed her room to match her soul. I sat on her dark grey sheets on her bed and laid down. I was about ready to fall asleep right then and there but Y/N walked in.

She jumped back in surprise. She put her hand on her chest. "Oh gosh sorry you scared me. I just wanted to see my old room." She said smiling as she waltzed in. She went right her night stand where a picture of her and here family was. She picked it up and threw it in her bag. She looked in amazement as she walked around her room. I could tell she was happy to be here again. "Do you wanna be alone?" I asked standing up and walking towards the door. She smiled. "Please?" She asked with a faint smile trying not to be rude. I nodded my head and walked out closing the door behind me.

I walked down stairs as I heard a scream from the kitchen. I ran down the rest of the stairs to find Enid on the floor. "Are you okay?!" I asked rushing to her side. It sounded like she was crying but when she looked at me she was just laughing hysterically. I looked at her in confusion but when I turned around Carl had a mask on while holding a bat. "Jesus Carl." I said shaking my head. "You guys scared the shit out of me. I thought someone was hurt." I said helping Enid up off the floor.

Just then Y/N came running down the stairs. "You guys okay?!" She said stumbling into the kitchen. "Yeah...yeah Carl just scared me that's all." Enid said walking towards her. "Well upstairs is all good. What about down here?" Y/N asked dropping her bag to the floor. "It's all good." Carl said. Y/N smiled and put an arm around Enid. "Thanks Enid, I think this will be a great place to hang out. I missed this place a lot anyways and it was nice seeing it again." She said pulling Enid into a hug. "Anything for my Bestfriend. Now let's start cleaning this place up." Enid said hugging Y/N back.

Sooo... so so so. Lmao Y/N's P.O.V doesn't exist in this one but oh well.
That was an update I kind of rushed it towards the end but in my defense I'm running out of ideas and I'm studying for exams so I hope you guys liked it. I try my best on every imagine I write so please leave some feedback. Don't forget to vote and comment! Hope you guys had a good day love you!

Thanks, love you lots babes. 💋
Xoxo Laney

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