Reckless - Happy

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Thank you. Thank you guys so much I actually can't believe we just hit 5k. I'm so happy right now and I owe it all to you guys. So I love all of you and I hope you're having a great day. Enjoy <3


Carl and I have been separated from the group for a few weeks now, ever since the 'Wolves' came and attacked Alexandria. But in all honestly we've been enjoying the time away from everyone. We've always been those 'rebellious' teenager and in a way it's brought Carl and I closer. Half the stuff could possibly kill us, but that's the fun part. It was reckless and we owned it.

Carl and I sat stood on some train tacks, we stumbled upon. When Alexandria got attacked we headed north of it and I thought we knew our way back but apparently we didn't. "I'm pretty sure we're going in circles." He said shrugging his shoulders. I sighed. "Do you just wanna follow the train tracks?" I asked walking along them. "Yeah." He said walking next to me. "You ever wonder what it would be like if the apocalypse didn't happen?" I asked put my hands in my jacket pockets. He smiled. "I used to, I used to think that everything would go back to normal one day. But after everything that's happened, I realized it's never going to be the same." I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb across the surface of it. "Yeah, I guess your right." I paused. "We would never after met each other." I said frowning slightly.

He pulled me into a side hug. "See that's one of the good things that came out of this whole thing. I wouldn't have met my girlfriend if wasn't for the apocalypse." He said with a smile. I smiled back. "Yeah." We continued to walk along the tracks, hand in hand. We were hoping to find shelter before sunset because honestly I don't know if I'm going to be able to go through another night without sleeping. Currently I'm running on 5 hours of sleep and no food, so that's always great.

"You know it's strange how much we've changed." I said trying to make conversation. Carl nodded his head. "Yeah. A world like this changes people. Sometimes they even go crazy." He said looking at the ground. "I knew a few people that turned out like that." He said pausing. "My dad's friend, Shane. I grew up with him, he was like my second dad but the world got the best of him and he tried to kill my dad. And Ron, I believed that I could help him. But I was wrong. Yeah, my dad kill his dad but it was for the best. Then he pulled a gun on my dad and Michonne took him out." He said looking at me. I nodded my head, thinking about all the shit we've gone through. It's crazy how we've managed to survive this long.


It was now getting dark and we had just reached a clearing. We stepped off the tracks and headed into this little town. We walked down the street and looked for a store we could stay in for the night. Carl stopped and pointed at a store. "Here. We can see if it's clear." He said grabbing his gun and walking towards it. I followed as we waited on ether side of the door way. "3..2..1." Carl said as we busted through the door looking for any walkers. There was two to the right and one farther back in an isle.

"I'll get these two, you get that one." I said rushing towards the two. I took my knife a drove it into the walkers skull. Quickly pulling my knife out, I grabbed the other ones shoulder holding it back as my knife made contact with its rotten head. Once it fell to the ground I ran over to Carl, he already had taken his walker out and now had a bottle in his hand. "Catch." He said throwing it to me. (A/N I would have dropped it, I can't catch for shit:) I caught it and looked at the label.

"I love Malibu!" I screamed, opening the bottle and placing it on the counter. Carl smiled. "I know." Carl said sitting on the counter. "I figured we could have some after our long journey." He said smiling. I took a sip and handed it to Carl. "It's taste better when it's mixed with something but I don't think there's anything good here." I said. He nodded his head taking a few sips.

"Do you remember when we used to get drunk at my house." Carl asked putting the bottle back on the counter. "Of course I do. We stopped doing it a few months ago, cause we were afraid your dad was gonna catch us." I said laughing. He laughed slightly. "Yeah." We sat on the floor drinking a little more, we couldn't get drunk because then we'd never find our way back. So we just had a few more shots and put the bottle in my bag.

"Do you know how many times we've would have been arrested by now, if the law was still a thing?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Too many times." I said with a smile. "Like that time when we smoked our first cigarettes on your roof." I said laughing. "I remember that!" Carl yelled. We laughed and laughed, for which seemed like forever. But we finally calmed down and got ready for bed.

I walked down an isle grabbing pillows and blankets "Here." I said putting a blanket and pillow on the ground. "Thanks." Carl said laying down. "Good night Y/N. I love you." Carl said kissing me. "Good night, I love you too." I said kissing him back. I laid down and soon we both drifted to sleep.

Hey okay thanks again also this is my 30th update so yay and add me on snapchat babes.
Snapchat: Laneyfish17   <<<I made it in 6th grade :))))

Thanks, love you lots babes. 💋

Xoxo Laney

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