Let's not say goodbye - Sad

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I guess this is sad? Idk sorry for doing another sad one but oh well. Hope ya like it.


"Dad, I'm gonna head back to the house okay?" I said patting my dad on the back. He looked at me and nodded his head. "Okay see you there." He said walking the opposite direction. I walked down the pathway towards my house smiling, because I knew Y/N was gonna be waiting there for me. She always is.

As I walked up the stairs I saw something on the door. A note. Okay? I walked up a grabbed it not bothering to look at it until I walked inside. I threw my bag down and walked up stairs to my room. As I sat down o  the bed I started reading it.


Hey, um I'm not very good when it comes to this kind of stuff so I'm just gonna say it. I'm leaving the group. You won't have to worry about me anymore or take care of me. I was just dead weight and I slowed you guys down. So I made the decision to leave, I wanted to tell you in person but I'm not very good with goodbyes. And plus I know you wouldn't let me leave if it was up too you. But I wanted to let you know that I love you Carl. I always will okay? Don't forget that. You mean the world to me trust me you do. But I was putting you and the group at risk. Maybe I'll see you again along the way. Maybe I won't. But I wish you the best of luck and I'll miss you. You'll always have a place in my heart. Please be safe...your gonna make it in this world. I know it. Don't come looking for me, by the time you see this I'll be long gone. Like I said I'm not good at goodbyes so I'll see you later Carl.

-Y/N  xoxo


My heart sank as I read the note. I read it over and over again hoping it would change some how. But this was real. She's gone. I didn't even get to say anything to her. I let tears run down my face. "No...no. No please." I ran out of the house running past Carol. "Carl? What's wrong?!" I heard Carol yell. I ignored her and kept running. "Y/N! Please come back!" I said running out of the gates and down the road. "Carl!" I heard my dad yell. I was in tears now. She was gone and I don't know where she went. I'll never see her again. "Carl come back!" I heard Carol yell. I couldn't let her go.

I kept running until I was tackled to the ground. "No! No I have to find her!" I said seeing Daryl trying to keep me from getting away. Soon Rick and Carol were next to Daryl as we both stood up. "Please! J-just let me go find Y/N!" I yelled whipping the tears off my face. Then a few walkers started showing up and Carol took care of them I guess all the noise was attracting them. "Carl. Carl come on let's go back." My dad said trying to get me to head back.

"No! No please! I-I have to find her! Before it's  to late!" I said pulling away. "Carl...we send out a search party tomorrow ok? Will find her." Carol said. It was a few minutes before I finally let up and headed back. I have to find her. I will find her. I can't live without her.

Uh I guess that was okay. Let me know if you guys want a part 2? I might go back and change this or just delete it over all. Idk yet. But please vote and comment. I love hearing from you guys.

Thanks, I love you lots babes. 💋

Xoxo Laney

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