Playing Dress-up and dance

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I am back, everyone. Sorry for the long delay. Work, chores, life and then also trying to publish my own original works has me so preoccupied. I also have chronic conditions that make my spare time so minuscule. I hope you all will forgive me. I will do my best to finish editing this work and all the others I have and also to finish all uncompleted works while keeping a much better quality than the 2019 ones I produced.

Thanks again for all of your patience!

~Chapter 12~

After Zero and Ren talked he put the kid to rest in her bedroom while he himself started up his laptop to work. He was idly drinking coffee and monitoring the invitations for the banquet and rules and regulations when Kuran came back with a sleeping Al.

Laughing softly Zero put his cup down staring at the duo fondly. "They wanted to stay up so bad yet are to be tucked in just moments after like little kids... Makes me think of when they were but toddlers." Zero mumbled, smiling brightly. "Why don't you take her to Ren and they can sleep close while me and you address some things?"

The shift on the brunet's face was immediate. Anxiety was all over his face. A fatherly worry. It was so sweet and sincere that Zero wanted to quell the worry... Yet, he knew it was pointless as the talk about to happen has technically been on the back burner... And, he wasn't sure how it was going to go.

He waved the brunet on and Kaname quickly carried the young girl off and returned promptly, sitting before the hunter on the floor rather than the couch. "Did I, do something to hurt Ren?" He asked immediately.

Zero sighed. "No, you didn't. I'm sorry that's what I made you think. That is not it at all." sighing again he looked around then at the brunet and almost winced, noticing it almost looked like Kaname was bowing before him. "Please, sit beside me, this isn't a very good scene to walk in on if anyone else were to drop by by surprise."

Now Kuran's worryful expression became more bewildered, but he listened and stood up at least. He did NOT, though, sit back down. "What is this about? What is this shift?"

Zero found himself staring at the man's feet. Shuffling nervously. "I-its about us. I feel we are being... Stupid. We are dancing around each other. Flirting, showing fancy but in the end... This isn't us. This is, well... my loneliness and your lack of memory." Zero finished

There was a long silence after that statement, Zero didn't realize he was holding his breath until a hand gently raised his gaze, a soft voice whispering. "Take a breath please."

Lilac avoided brown but he listened, slowly breathing self conscious of doing it too slowly or too fast; Heart pounding.

Kaname carefully scratched his nails under Zero's jaw, watching his eyes flutter and finally look at him. The gaze was conflicting. Comfortable, pleased, yet confused and fearful.

Kaname, "Is this the topic you two broached upon?" The hunter slowly nodded but did not move his lips to speak, entranced by the other's tender gaze the brunet slowly moved to bow before the other pulled his face closer as he continued to stare into those vibrantly bright eyes. So different from his own.

"After the other day, I thought about the potential of us. And, as I see it like before when we first met. Our relationship is what we make it now. We have this choice. I have the right to choose. And I choose to see what we can make together. Regardless of how we were when younger... We are much older now and different. Yes, my memories may shift some things but beyond giving me some history, Is there ANY reason I would hate you truthfully?" Kuran asked.

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