Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


{Nikki's POV}

"Mom, do we really have to move to Australia??" I ask, very annoyed.

"Your dad doesn't get to decide where he gets assigned sweetie," She states calmly, even though I have asked this question a million times.

"oh hell," I mumble to myself

Even though I have known that we were moving for months I still get pissed just thinking about it. And Dad's placement is only supposed to last for a year! I know my parents have wanted to get out of this house for a long time, but I thought we were going to move to another neighborhood, not another country.

And to make matters worse, we are moving right in the middle of high school, I have 2 more years left, and they are supposed to be the fun ones. I just got my licence and now I can't even drive in this new country because they drive on the wrong side of the road.

This is so stupid.

With 5 weeks left before we head to Sydney, I have to finish packing up my stuff and say goodbye to my friends. I'm supposed to be back in a year, but Dad's placements have often lasted longer than they originally were scheduled for.

*about a month later*

"Holly I'm gonna miss you so much." I tell my best friend, I'm leaving in a week.

"Ya know what? I am too, but lets have some fun before you go, yeah?" She says. I love her optimism, I'm going to miss it.

Hitting up our favorite thrift stores, we play thrift shop roulette, a great game to play when you need some cheering up. One person runs their hand over a rack of clothes, eyes closed, until the other person tells them to stop, and they pick up whatever piece of clothing their hand lands on. We do this until we complete an outfit. Most of the time, it ends up pretty horrifically. Clashing neon with pastels, and heels with construction gear. Sometimes a cute outfit popped up, and we copped that so hard.

We end up heading to to the mall to go see a movie. We laugh WAY to much and WAY louder than we should but we don't care. the movie wasn't even that funny, but somehow we made it. We only got a few dirty looks, but caring about what we looked like was just too hard.

Being idiots in public is one of our favorite things to do.

I'll really miss her, and almost everything else I have here.


"Are you sure we have everything?" My mom asks for about the seven billionth time in the past ten minuets.

"Yes, mom we have checked and re-checked everything, now lets go."

Or flight to Sydney leaves in less than four hours. Our house was nearly completely empty, except for the furniture. We are renting the house, because in theory we should be back in a year, but a large part of me highly doubts that. There are several large boxes filled with books, kitchen appliances, and other stuff that isn't essential. Those boxes will be shipped in a few days.

'goodbye' I think to myself as I close and lock the house.


*in Sydney*

I just got off a flight that went halfway across the world, and I probably look like a zombie. And I don't care. I didn't sleep very well on the plane. 24 hours of travel doesn't treat me too well.

the faster we go the faster I can get to my new house and sleep

I felt just about ready to pass out. Thankfully all the airport staff were in a really good mood that day, and the customs line was short.

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